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image. |
(These are pictures that I have drawn for either this page, GemStone,
or just for fun. Enjoy!) |
First off, I'd like to say that I've been a vary bad girl, because that
background is not mine.
But, gotta admit it looks real spiffy with that picture!
Anyhow, this is Arden. She's dark and, well, pregnant. Not much to say about
this picture
other than I wanted to draw Arden and I did. |
This is Arece. Not much to say about this picture other than it came out
differently than it
was meant to. I started drawing Arece's hair, and that white fur
stuff was originally going to
be part of it. But, I decided againts it, and looks like I made the right
choice. He has his katana with him, and is wearing a pentagram pendant. |
This is Belgorath, and his Dragon Form, shown as a tattoo on his chest.
One can tell that
he is of the dragon race because of the green streak of scales running down
his face. Long live the dragons!
And yes, that is the Noh dragon. Stop getting on my case. It's very hard
to be original when everything has already been done. |
"Prince Darad"
This is the only good picture that I have of Darad. It's just so hard
to draw him. And he came out too much like Alucard. Dammit. Oh well, at least you get an idea
of what he looks like. |
"Prince Kifka"
Not a very good picture of Kifka, because he doesn't even dress like
that. "Fire Kifka" expresses Kifka's mood and looks a lot better than this does (it's on
the previous page, in case you didn't look). Besides, he looks like Richter Bellmont in
this one. ::sigh:: |
"New Artemis"
For the longest time, I had this really crappy picture of Artemis up on
her page. So I decided to make a new one for her. This was part of a little Four Gems pic I drew
in summerschool a while back. Nothing too special, but I like it because it really brings
out Artemis's bright nature! |
"Sennymay The Rogue"
This was also part of the Four Gems picture I drew in summerschool.
Senny's grown up a lot more since that picture. She looks really young, for some odd reason.
Really not that much to say about this picture other than it's the best one I
currently have of her (again, this is April 2000 we're talking about here). |
"Sindalla - NEW"
This was a new picture of Sindalla that I drew. I figured I didn't really
need to draw her whole body to express her essense. The background does all that. Also, I
think it accurately portrays her as a bit seductive, don't you think? What, you DON'T? Why NOT?
Answer me when I'm speaking to you!!!!!! |
"Vampire Hunter"
I think I did a rather good job on this, although Daniel does look a
big bigger than he/she should. The Vampire coming out of Daniel's hands is my favourite part. I
also love the wings. Thank the gods of Liabo for Photoshop! Oh, and, I hope the "nakendness"
of the Vampire doesn't offend you. It's not like I put it into great DETAIL.... |
(Semiramis was an Assyrian queen who, myth has it, built Babylon and turned
into a dove after death. Her legend inspired both Voltaire and Rossini.)
Semiramis is an Elf-Harpy-Goron, hense the Elven ears, wings, and snakes,
respectively. This picture is about three years old, and I should really make another
picture of Semiramis. It's just that she hasn't really played a big role in the story yet, so I
was in no rush to introduce her to the reader. |