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Midi Playing is "Take On Me" by Aha

Hiya Folks... yes this is me, Goldfish.
I'm 34 years old, and live in California.
Originally I am from North Carolina.
OK, let's see... Umm.. You wanted to know what
I like to do huh? Well I love fishing, Nascar,
animals of all kinds, horseback riding,
old movies ( classics to be exact ), Listen to
ALL types of Music from Country to Rap. I Love it all.
Oh yeah and I Love reading horror novels and writing my own.
One of these days, when I get the nerve...
I will actually finish writing one. *LOL* Just not today.

I have 6 Brothers and Sisters, and they are all scattered
throughout the world now. Germany, South Carolina, North
Carolina, and Florida. Oh, and me in Cailfornia. Whoa baby!!!
We are scattered.. ya know that makes it fun for Mom to "try"
and keep up with us. Like that would ever happen. *LOL*

Let's see my most treasured possession?? Hmm.. without a doubt
that would have to be my "heart".. WhiteKnightCowboy.
Most of you know him as Roper23_74... or LIONHEART2374..
either way the name is Brian. You will learn more about him
later. For now I want to keep him all to myself. *heheheee*