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Real Name: Akume Harper-Claridjna
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Markovia.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Lian Harper (Archer, mother), Jonathan Claridjna (Sensor Boy, father), Roy Harper Sr. (great-grandfather, deceased), Brave Bow ("grandfather," deceased), Roy Harper Jr. (Arsenal, prince of Markovia, grandfather), Cheshire (princess, grandmother), Brion Markov (Geo Force, King of Markovia, great uncle), Denise Markov (queen, great aunt), Hippolyta Sioux Harper (Princess, princess, aunt), Robin Garth Harper (Morph, prince, uncle), Quinn Harper (prince, uncle), Richard Wallace Harper (prince, uncle), Tara Harper (princess, aunt), Brionna Harper (princess, aunt), Amber Harper (princess, aunt), Kyle Theodore Harper (prince, uncle), Takeninfu Harper (prince, uncle), Brion Markov (crown prince, 2nd cousin), Kalen Markov (prince, 2nd cousin)
Group Affiliation: Miscreants
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 95 lbs
Age: <1, physical approximate age is 14
Eyes: Silver
Hair: None
D.O.B. November 11, 2020


Akume was born in late 2020, the product of Lian Harper and Jonathan Claridjna dating and her Murlan DNA accelerating birth and early aging. She has spent the past months training with her mother in archery and martial arts while absorbing any and all information about the world around her, as is typical of people from her heritage.

Powers and Abilities

Akume inherited some of her father's sensory powers. So far, they have presented entirely in the range of the super visions: telescopic, microscopic, infra-red, ultraviolet, etc. Whether she will develop any of his other sensory powers remains to be seen. Also, like all Murlans, she has skin armor, sealed systems, systemic antidote, iron will and exorcism.

Akume is a skilled archer and physical combatant, on par with her grandfather Roy when he was Speedy.


Akume is extremely inquisitive. Due to her father's history, she is also very cautious and quick to become defensive. Unlike her siblings and other royal relatives, she does not feel very much royal privilege.
