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Aleea Strange

Name: Aleea Strange
Age: 22
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Known Relatives: Adam Strange (father), Alannah Strange (mother)
Group Affilation: JLA
Base of Operations: San Francisco, but also frequents Rann
D.O.B. 1998


When Aleea was 12 she began going with her father to Earth on occasion whenever the zeta beam would come for him. By age 14 she was spending almost all of her time on Earth, enrolled at the Theodore Knight Academy and visiting home and mother during breaks in school. She began honing both leadership and combat abilities as a member of Young Justice, taking the leadership role her Junior year at the Academy. It was also that year that freshman Ted Kyle started trying to get her to date him. Over the next three years they did date occasionally, though not exclusively, as she (moreso than he) also saw other people.

At sixteen, Aleea devised a harness that her father could wear that would allow him to trigger when the zeta beam would take him to and from Rann, rather than remain victim to its whims, over the next year she perfected the device, decreasing its size until its current incarnation as a mere computer chip embedded within her father's wedding band.

Upon graduation, she was quick to join the new Justice League under Superman, and fought alongside them valiantly over the next years (during this time, she also had a rather heated affair with Aquaman, though its details she has kept strictly secret from everyone, even Lian, even to this day). She was there when circumstances led to Superman's disbanding of the League, and months later, when he restarted it, she suggested he take in Ted Kyle as one of its new members. By then she and Ted were an exclusive couple.

Powers and Abilities

Aleea possesses the meta-human gene, it hasn't seemed to have any effect upon her, however, as she possesses no apparent powers. She has the full gamut of training any student at the Knight Academy would receive and graduated with honors. She's one of the more intelligent members of the team, and utilzes both a jet pack and a ray gun in homage to her father's heroic days.
