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Name: Nate Henson
Age: 15
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Known Relatives: Nate has not mentioned much regarding his family, only that he ran away from his abusive father, and despite Victor's attempts to get him to talk about, he refuses to even mention the man's name. Only stating he won't come looking for him. He also has no idea who his mother is.
Group Affilation: Young Justice
Base of Operations: Theodore Knight Academy, Opal City
D.O.B. 2005


Nate is the typical teenager that came from a broken home. He states he left his father due to his abuse and lies, and never knew his mother. This is all he usually says on the subject, and those that know him have come to respect that. Nate despises bullies because of this, as it reminds him of the times he himself was hit, and he won't tolerate it, either in his civilian or hero id. Civilian Clothes: Nate wears a typical black leather jacket with blue jeans. He has the look of a rebel without a cause, but does quite well in school, though some of the teachers think he doesn't apply himself as much as he could.

Hero Clothes: Black and silver costume, Silver cape and boots, the rest is jet black. He has an all black mask over his eyes in a typical Nightwing style.


Nate Henson was found by Victor Stone of the Knight Academy during a school break. A young lady was talking on her cell phone crossing the street, unawares that the light had changed. Nate saw this a few feet away, and saw a speeding ferrari coming up to the intersection. Knowing the car couldn't stop in time, he took to the air and grabbed her depositing her on the other side of the street. The lady thanked him, and many passerby's saw him and applauded the young man. This made Nate nervous, and with a gentle smile, he bid a hasty retreat not wanting to draw any more attention to himself.

Victor had seen the event himself, and followed Nate trying to flag him down to talk to him. Nate was nervous, but decided to listen to what Victor had to say. Victor explained about the Ted Knight Academy, and that it welcomed students like Nate. Victor wanted to talk to Nate's parents about it. But Nate said he had run away from home, he never knew his mother, and his father would never come looking for him as he could be dead for all he cared. Victor wanted to know a little more, but Nate wouldn't budge with any more details than that. Nate said he didn't have any family that would come looking for him. So enrollment wouldn't be a problem on his end. Victor was hesitant, but knowing all too well about Father issues, coupled with the fact that the boy was a Meta and his father might not have been able to handle it like many parents, he took Nate with him that day to the Academy.

Victor made the arrangements with the enrollment board making sure Nate was admitted as a full student. He knows there is much more to Nate than meets the eye, but knows if he pushes too hard that won't get them anywhere. He hopes that enrolling Nate with the YJ team will help him realize there are many people like him in the world, and hopes time with kids his own age with powers will help him realize he is not as alone as he feels.

Powers & Abilities

Nate has been reluctant in showing all of his abilities. Much like himself he seems to be just as secretive with his powers.
He has shown some of them, with some of Coach Stone's coaxing.
Technopathy (Able to control, communicate, download from, and build machines) Nate perhaps due to his powers or some talents from before they triggered, is a very accomplished hacker. Making his control of machines icing on the cake when he is dealing with technology based foes, or wants to get in somewhere he shouldn't be. He likes looking at new technology that comes out in the market, and is naturally drawn to SteelWorks and Luthercorp because of this. Though he isn't above building things himself, if he thinks it could help out the team. If Nate has any other abilities, he has yet to demonstrate them.
