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Name: Aquakid (no other name)
Age: 12
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Silver-Blonde
Known Relatives: Lagoon Man (father), Sheeva (mother), Blubber (godfather), Squirt (sister), Creature (brother), Riptide (sister), Nautica (sister), Barnacle (brother)
Group Affilation: YJ
Base of Operations: Theodore Knight Academy, Opal City; occasionally visits Atlantis
D.O.B. 1-1-2009


Aquakid has always led a happy, go-lucky life. The oldest son of the coolest people in Atlantis, coupled with frequent visits with cool people in Young Justice of old and other surface dwellers has led to Aquakid being as carefree and curious as his parents were at his age. He was ecstatic at being sent to the Knight Academy starting in grade school and loves the whole concept of training to be a superhero like his dad. Unlike his parents, Aquakid mostly passes for human, save for his odd colored hair and eyes, and the fact that he blows bubbles as he speaks, he would blend in perfectly.

Powers and Abilities

Can suck in water and expand himself, breath above and under water, possesses super-strength and semi-invulnerability. The onset of adolescence will bring about further abilities in Aquakid; his skin will be much like a chameleon's, allowing him to blend in with his surroundings
