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Name: RheAnna Michales
Age: n/a
Eyes: n/a
Hair: n/a
Known Relatives: none
Group Affilation: Outsiders
Base of Operations: Gotham City
D.O.B. 1983, D.O.D. 2000


When Artax died of a massive brain aneurism while on an Outsiders mission in 2000, her powers supercharged: leaving her consciousness still existing in the minds of her teammates Jack O'Lantern, Ingot, Hero and Huntress.

She spent the next few years silently fearing that she would cease to exist when all of the other four eventually died, but masked the fear in continued mental flirtation with Ingot. When Huntress and Hero turned to crime, she helped out at first, but as they began to slip further and further to the dark side of the Force (as she jokes), she stopped helping, and began to withdraw from them more and more.

That is, until the birth of Calista Crenson. Artax was overjoyed to discover her mind-link with the other four somehow was being genetically passed on to their children, and she took great joy in being Calista's imaginary friend.

When Calista later began proving herself turning into a disrespectful bad little egg, Artax wasn't happy. She quite vocally disapproves of Random's naughtiness and does her best to try to save the girl's morals before she ends up like her parents.

Artax's closest companion continues to be Ingot, and she spends most of her time, when not baby-sitting Calista's brain, hanging out in his.

Powers and Abilities

Artax is a telepath who seems to be capable only of sending to those she's linked to from the Outsiders and their genetic descendants. Additionally, she can experience any and all sensual input the others receive, even such input they themselves might be unaware they're receiving (e.g. that silent assassin sneaking up? Ingot may not hear, but Artax will).
