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Real Name: Prince Brion Markov II and Prince Kalen Markov
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Markovia.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Brion Markov (Geo Force, King of Markovia, father), Denise Markov (queen, mother), Roy Harper (uncle), Tara Harper-Markov (aunt), Tara Harper (princess, cousin), Brionna Harper (princess, cousin)
Group Affiliation: Miscreants
Height: 5'9" and 5'7"
Weight: 170 and 155 lbs
Age: 15 and 14
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Auburn and Sandy Blond D.O.B.: December 25, 2005 and June 17, 2007


The young Princes Markov were raised in their parents' court alongside the multitude of fake cousins their aunt brought into the fold as well as the various children of their father's old teammates. While growing up with a sense of elitism and royal snobbery, they remain generally good natured and loyal friends where friendship is given. Though the boys are a year apart in age, they are extremely close and prefer each others' company over all others. Likewise they are extremely protective of one another.

Brion, additionally, is a planner and a schemer. He knows he will one day inherit the throne and looks forward to that day with eager caution. By contrast, Kalen is a bit more free-spirited, feeling less tied to future duties than his brother.

Due to the vampiric attack on their homeland, the brothers were sent to America to finish their schooling amongst the super powered children of their father's peers. Brion sees this as a grand learning opportunity for him as a future statesman. Kalen has accepted the change but resents being sent from home.

Powers and Abilities

The brothers have the ability to combine their physicals forms into a new third form they have designated "Ash." In this form they have a vast array of geomorphic powers that will likely make them major power houses in the next generation of superheroics should they ever pursue that route. As Ash their skin is made of extremely durable rock. They can alter their own mass and density, fly, telekinetically control the movement of earth and, if in physical contact with the surface of the planet, project blasts of super-heated magma. In this form their strength is significantly above normal human levels.

Due to their difference in age, Markovian scientists postulate that the boys actually have powers individually, but they have yet to present as such, seeming to have a mental block that demands their amalgamation likely rooted in their deep affection and protectiveness towards the other.


Both boys are very friendly and competitive, though they have bouts of superiority complex as well. Brion is a tad more serious while Kalen is more aloof.
