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Real Name: Aubri Thirteen
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Gloucestershire, England
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Traci Thirteen (mother), King Auberon (father), Dr. Thirteen (grandfather, deceased).
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 5”11
Weight: 122 lbs
Age: 15
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown
D.O.B. November 11, 2006


When Traci Thirteen was in her early 20s, her father, the renowned parapsychologist Dr. Thirteen, was killed during one of his investigations. He had, all unwittingly, stumbled across some of the earliest plans that Tim Hunter’s Other had began setting up in preparation to the Magic Wars of 2013. Not wanting his plans ruined, even by someone who the magical community would probably ignore, the Other ordered Dr. Thirteen’s death, but made it seem he had merely come to a natural end.

Traci, not believing this, set off on her own investigation into her father’s death, a long, arduous, often dangerous quest that lead her around the world, and yet gave her no answers. During this time though, following a lead in the Irish countryside, Traci met an extremely charismatic and handsome stranger who called himself Fionnbharr. He helped with some of her investigation, and before long, they became lovers, but after only a few months, he disappeared, leaving Traci alone in the British Isles, no closer to the truth about her father, and most important of all... pregnant.

Traci didn’t see her mysterious paramour again till just before she was to give birth, when he appeared to her and told her the truth of his identity; he was actually Auberon, the King of the Fey, and he’d met Traci during one of his trips to the mundane world when he and his Queen, Titania, were estranged. Needless to say, Traci wasn’t exactly thrilled by all this.

Realizing that her child, a daughter she decided to name Aubri, would be on the gifted side of the magic spectrum, decided to remain in England, where she knew Aubri could get the proper tutoring that Traci herself had never really received in her magic powers.

In 2013 though, the long laid plans of Tim Hunter’s Other finally came to fruition, and the Magic War began. Traci, wanting only to protect her 6-year-old daughter, fled from the War. It was the one and only time Aubri has been to Faerie, as her father, due to all the chaos, was able to shelter Traci and Aubri there, safe from the War and also from his Queen.

When the aftermath of the Magic War had finally settled, Traci and Aubri returned to England, and Aubri was enrolled in Rendcombe College, a very old, well established school of arcane arts. Aubri felt right at home and did very well from day one.

Aubri sees her father usually once a year, just before her birthday, on the holiday of Samhain, as it is easier for Auberon to mark that day since it is reflected in Faerie as a feasting day. Aubri does not have any resentment against her absent father, she understands the situation and accepts it. Auberon though, through generous gifts of Faerie gold, has made sure his daughter and former lover want for nothing.

Powers and Abilities

Aubri is a mixture of Homo Magi and Fey and therefore possesses some pretty impressive magical powers. From her mother, Aubri is able to wield sorcery and do pretty much anything she can set her mind to. However, being still young, Aubri is still working on strengthening her spirit enough to withstand the drain sorcery can put on it, so she cannot do a lot of things at once or many in quick succession. From her father, her Fey heritage gives her the ability to sense magic, create a magical barrier that can deflect magical attacks, fire bolts of eldritch energy that directly attack someone’s spirit and an attunement with the spiritual, magical side of the world.

She is also well versed in many types of occult magic and rituals, especially those that originate in the British Isles.


Being half Fey means that Aubri shares some of their racial drawbacks; mainly an aversion to cold iron and Christian holy places.

Also, it is highly advisable that Aubri never journey to her father’s home dimension of Faerie, lest she come to the attention of Auberon’s Queen, Titania. Titania has been known to be... unkind to her husband’s illegitimate children.


Growing up in a country that still has a deep, strong magical tradition means that Aubri does not see herself as fitting the standard ‘flaky’ magic-user role. She is a hard worker, confident in her abilities, and actually prefers that non-practitioners understand that magic is not incredibly esoteric but has its own set of governing rules just as any science does. However, her non-human half can make her slightly mercurial mood-wise, and she does sometimes struggle against the casual cruelty that often characterizes creatures of Fey, and so can sometimes overcompensate for that by being too friendly or upbeat.

Aubri is quite tall for her age, but definitely not in possession of any natural Faerie grace yet; coltish would be the word that best describes her, all long limbs and skittish energy. Her brown hair falls to her waist and usually hides her slightly pointed ears. She is extremely lovely, a face dominated by dark green eyes and high cheekbones, but there is also a slightly uncanny feeling to her that reflects her non-human heritage.
