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Name: Callistus Julius Manresa
Alias: Supraman, a.k.a. "The Man of Energy" & "The Man Beyond Tomorrow"
Occupation: Head of Social Services & Charities Dept. of Steelworks, Los Angeles Division
Base of Operations: Watchmen Satellite, Earth; Los Angeles, California, USA
Group Affiliation: Watchmen
Known Family & Friends: John Roncalli Manresa (adoptive father), Joan d'Arc Manresa (adoptive mother), Dr. John Henry Irons a.k.a. Steel (friend & mentor), Natasha Jasmine Irons a.k.a. Superwomyn (friend), the Nuns of the St. Ignatius de Loyola Orphanage (friends)
Marital Status: Single
Age: 24 years old
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (as Callistus); Glowing Blue (as Supraman)
Hair: Dark Brown (as Callistus); Glowing Blue (as Supraman)


Once a young woman mysteriously gave her child over to the nuns of the "Saint Ignatius de Loyola Orphanage" in southern California for unspecified reasons. The lady only stated that in light of the "situation of the child's 'unearthly' father" she had hoped her "son would live a normal human life." In response, the nuns cared deeply for the unnamed child. They hoped the baby boy would one day rise from his humble origins to become a compassionate servant of society like the 3rd century slave turned Bishop of Rome, Pope Saint Callistus I. Hence, the child was named Callistus by the nuns in honor of the ancient saintly pontiff, hoping that he would be inspired to wholeheartedly help others as his namesake did.

As a toddler, Callistus was adopted from the orphanage by the couple of Joan and John Manresa who caringly raised their new child in the City of Los Angeles. The Manresas were loving parents, giving Callistus a normal childhood just as his anonymous birthmother had wished.

One day though, while the then 10 year old Callistus was playing basketball alone, a nearby building exploded. Out of nowhere, a metallic angel swooped in, saving the boy from the deadly flames. Callistus' savior was Dr. John Henry Irons, better known as the hero, Steel. After quenching the fire, Steel kindly flew Callistus back to the Manresas' home. During the flight, the two chatted and Steel was impressed by the boy's personality. More importantly though, Steel had left an indelible impression upon Callistus. "Can I be like you?" the boy asked. "What do you mean?" responded the armored-clad hero. "Being able to help people." "Yes," Steel answered assuringly. "Yes, you can!" From that moment on, Callistus decided to now dedicate his life to helping others like his new hero Steel.

During the next few years, Callistus would follow the adventures of Steel through the media. He read many books and articles to learn as much as possible about the background of the man who was Dr. John Henry Irons. On occasion, Callistus would even write fan letters to Steel, and Dr. Irons always kindly responded. Steel knew he had a loyal fan out in Los Angeles.

At the age of 13, Callistus used his summer vacation to volunteer at the Los Angeles division of Steelworks. Over the next year, the Manresas' son would continue to volunteer his time there after school. Significantly, whenever Dr. Irons was in town checking up on the Los Angeles facilities of Steelworks, he always made a point to visit Callistus.

During the following summer, an electrical storm struck Los Angeles. The storm ripped right through the Steelworks building and struck Callistus, now 14 years old, with a severe bolt of lighting --- unleashing the effects of the alien heritage of his unknown birthfather. The supervisor on-duty immediately contacted Dr. John Henry Irons who arrived in L.A. faster than a speeding bullet. Dr. Irons observed Callistus' condition, noting that his physiology was transforming quickly from that of a human to that of an energy being. Knowing that once Callistus became pure energy he would immediately die via dissipating into nothingness, Dr. Irons quickly constructed a containment suit for Callistus from a special Steelworks cloth material and the utilization of Kryptonian technology. Rapidly, the hero better known as Steel encased the growingly electrifying Callistus in the containment suit JUST as he entered the state of pure energy --- thereby, saving the boy's life once again.

In order to learn how to control his powers, Callistus was sent by Steel to the Theadore Knight Academy. Over the next few years, Callistus learned to master his powers and become mentally mature. At the Academy, he was influenced by Connor Hawke's philosophy class and gained the nickname from his peers of "Supraman," referring to the nature of his powers, as well as to the humble nobility of his character. Despite being slightly out of phase with the normal plane of reality, Callistus a.k.a. Supraman had gained control over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. His containment suit stored his energy form and energy absorbed from other sources, transforming it into other powers such as super-vision, intangibility, teleportation, and the creation of electromagnetic fields. In addition, Supraman learned how to revert back to the human state of Callistus Manresa (and onto the normal plane of reality) via concentrating intensely to solidify himself. As a human though, Callistus was powerless as he did not have the powers available to him as an energy being.

Since graduating from the Academy, Callistus has spent over 5 years under Steel's mentorship --- training at the discretion of Steel's guidance, becoming knowledgeable in the way of heroing, fighting side-by-side with Steel himself & his niece Natasha Irons a.k.a. Superwomyn, and becoming a focused & leveled headed person. The result:
Supraman, a 24 year old hero who is fully committed to helping others, is wise beyond his years, and is now ready to go solo.

Callistus Julius Manresa continues to live in his beloved City of Los Angeles, where he maintains a close relationship with his parents, Joan and John Manresa. Unsure of his carreer vocation, Callistus currently works as the head of the Social Services & Charities department of the L.A. division of Steelworks. In his spare time, he volunteers as a "big brother" at the St. Ignatius de Loyola Orphanage. As Supraman, he continues to follow Steel's example and has now joined the Watchmen to further his perpetual mission to help others. Callistus is not a saint, but he has truly become a hero.

POWERS: Teleportation (zapping & flying), intangibility, super-vision, electron manipulation, solid energy field, electromagnetic force, computer symbiosis, energy absorption, conscious multiplicity, self-healing, and dimensional teleportation.

WEAKNESSES: Magic, disrupter cannons, shock pods, and extremely excessive radiation intake, plus being unable to use his power of intagibillity when making and/or maintaining solid energy fields.


-Teleportation (Zapping & Flying) --- Supraman can fly or zap as he pleases. When zapping, he moves at the speed of light and creates a sonic boom. He can also zap through electric lines & wires.

-Super-Vision Powers --- Supraman has the ability to see radiation, wavelengths and spectra. For example, he can spot the infra-red trail of moving objects, analyze a building's structural make-up, or spot the energy signature of people even if hidden behind objects. He also can fire beams of energy from his eyes, a.k.a. "vision bolts," powerful enough to even melt metal.

-Electron Manipulation --- Probably Supraman's most important power is his ability to manipulate electrons to form any power he can think of, just like a Green Lantern Power Ring. His electron manipulation also gifts him with several specific abilities. First, he can throw a "power punch", manipulating the electrons around his fist to produce another 'fist' which he can use to hit out with. Second, he can "morph" or change his appearance by manipulating the electrons of his containment suit and energy (This includes the ability to change the colors of his appearance). Third, he can create and control tractor beams. And fourth, Supraman is gifted with the special powers of intangibility, solid energy fields, and electromagnetic force.

-Intangibility --- A part of his electron manipulation powers, Supraman is able to make himself intangible (transparent/invisible), aiding him to help others without being seen.

-Solid Energy Field --- Another part of his electron manipulation powers, Supraman's solid energy field enables him to perform a seemingly endless array of amazing feats. Being able to phase between having the solid energy field on or off is in itself a powerful weapon against opponents who can not tell whether Supraman is intangible or not. Unfortunately, when surrounding himself in a solid energy field, can NOT become intangible.

-Electromagnetic Force --- Another facet of his electron manipulation powers, Supraman's electromagnetic force affords him the ability to perform such feats as magnetizing the metal worn by others and having complete control over it. This, naturally, has become Steel's least favorite of his protege's powers.

-Computer Symbiosis --- Supraman can access computerized data simply by passing his through a computer system.

-Energy Absorption --- Supraman is able to absorb ALL types of energy. He can then turn any absorbed energy into energy to be used for other purposes.

-Conscious Multiplicity --- Supraman can split his energy up and 'zap' around a city in many places at once, collecting information as to what is happening EVERYWHERE in the city.

-Self Healing --- When injured as Callistus, Supraman can change back into his energy form and concentrate to "pull himself together." This enables him to heal physical injuries like cuts, bruises, or even broken limbs. Similar results are also possible in reverse. If Supraman's energy form is disrupted too greatly to reform himself, he can change back into his human form, being made whole again.

-Dimensional Teleportation --- The strangest of Supraman's powers, his dimensional teleportation ability allows him to open and close "windows" into other dimensions.
