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Name: Cameron Arliss
Age: 16
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Known Relatives: Condo Arlik (descendant)
Group Affilation: Young Justice
Base of Operations: Theodore Knight Academy, Opal City
D.O.B. 2004

History & Powers

A recent transfer student to Knight Academy, Cameron Arliss is a living catalyst, able to generate chemical reactions that can have an adverse or beneficial effect or the people he uses them on. (His ability to affect inorganic matter is much more limited—he can weaken a wall or accelerate rust in metal, but it’s a time consuming process and pretty superfluous when most people he knows can just knock them down.)

Catalyst generates his reactions through the use of secretions emitted from his hands or mouth. He can heal most minor injuries or burns in seconds. He can neutralize the effects of poison. He can even revive someone whose on the brink of death, restoring them to full health and vigor—though the effort leaves him exhausted and incapable of using his other abilities until he regains some of his strength.

He can spray his saliva as an acidic spray that can produce very painful effects on anyone it strikes, and could, in time, eat through cloth, metal, plastic, and stone.

Because his power is chemical in nature, Cameron cannot affect anyone unless his concoctions actually touch flesh.

Cameron feels that his powers are disgusting and that other people do so as well, so he tends to avoid displaying them unless it is absolutely necessary. Cameron is very shy and tends to avoid physical contact.

Cameron is a good student with an excellent memory and concentration. He is not an especially gifted athlete or hand to hand combatant.

Cameron is not a leader, and does not appear to have much in the way of social skills. In spite of that, he was surprisingly popular at his old school.
