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Celestial Guardian

Name: Casey Becker
Occupation: News Reporter
Base of Operations: Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Affiliation: The LDS Avengers
Known Family: John Orth (father, deceased), Jaid Orth (mother), Steven Craven (godfather), Carl Becker (husband), Carl Becker Jr. (son), Cecilia Becker (daughter), Conrad Becker (son), Charles Becker (son), Corey Becker (son)
Marital Status: Married
Age: 35 (as Celestial Guardian, she is always a physical 20 year-old)
DOB: 1985
Height: 5'6" (as Casey) 6'0" (as Celestial Guardian)
Weight: 135 lbs (as Casey) 215 (as CG)
Eyes: Hazel (as Casey) Blue (as CG)
Hair: Greying Blonde (as Casey) Blonde (as CG)


Casey was a child movie star. As just a little girl she was the darling of millions. Her first feature film director, Steven Craven loved her and considered her as he would one of his own children.

Unfortunately, fame, and the adult treatment that came along with it, didn't mix well with Casey. She became embroiled in sex, alcohol and drug abuse by the time she was ten. At 18 she did her first pictorial for Playboy magazine, just to fund her various excesses. Her career, more importantly her life, was on steady decline.

In 2005, LDS missionaries came to her door. Through talks with them, her whole life changed. With the help of the church's support, and her own indomitable will, she kicked her addictions and cast out all her inner demons.

In her Heavenly Father, she found the completion she so desperately needed. From 2006 to 2008 she travelled on a mission of her own, and very shortly upon her return, she met and fell in love with Carl Becker. They were wed that same year. Carl Jr. was born 10 months later.

On her wedding night, as she drifted into blissful sleep, she was visited by the ghost of Joseph Smith. Smith came to endow her with the charge of protecting his people. All she had but do was to say his name aloud, and a fantastic transformation would overtake her. Thus Celestial Guardian (II) was born.

Casey settled peacefully into her new life. Occasionally she would dabble in film work again--predominantly in LDS Produced ventures and commercials. She also took a job working as a journalist for the SLC Tribune. Meanwhile, she keeps her second life a secret to all those she holds dear.


Casey's priorities, in order, are as follows: God, family, LDS brethren, the innocent, herself, and everyone else.

She is deeply compassionate, and deeply passionate. She wears her emotions, as CG on her sleeve: all bravado and confidence. Radiant in her belief that she fights the righteous fight.


Casey herself has no powers, upon uttering the name "Joseph Smith" she transforms to and from her form as Celestial Guardian. Whether this is a true requirement, or a mentally created limitation she's placed upon herself is unknown, as she's refused to allow anyone to study her form as CG.

Celestial Guardian has the powers of flight, superstrength, invulnerability, a measure of superspeed (no speedforce connection). Because her own powers are mystical in nature, her invulnerability carries over into protecting her from mystical attacks as well as bolstering her strength in such ways that even a Kryptonian would be wise to avoid her wrath.

That said, she has a tendency to undersetimate her opponents, and rarely exerts the full amount of power against them that she could.

Celestial Guardian has no defenses against mental attacks, other than Casey's own strong will (which really isn't all that strong, perhaps 5 APs--enough to intimidate any normal person, but a skilled telepath would have little difficulty against her).

She is completely powerless whenever she is present upon unholy grounds (i.e. grounds consecrated to evil, not just your local 7-11)
