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Blue Beetle

Real name: Colin Kord
Known Relatives: Jeremy Kord (Trouble, father), Karen Kord (mother), Danielle Kord (Jinx, Twin Sister), Ted Kord (Batman, great uncle), Thea Kord (Huntress, 2nd cousin), Gregory Kord (grandfather), Julie Kord (grandmother), Tanya Kord (aunt), Martin Davis (grandfather), Lynn Davis (grandmother)
Base of Operations: Titans Tower
Occupation: Student
Group Affiliation: Titans
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 155 lbs
Age: 15
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
D.O.B. 2005

Powers: Colin has developed nearly the opposite powers of his father, good luck powers. He is capable of giving himself and other people moments of good luck. However, if he and Danielle are using their luck affecting powers on something at the same time very very bad things happen.

Colin of course, also has the BB gun.


Towards the end of his career with Young Justice, during a party he was attending, Jeremy met Karen Davis. To his surprise, his line "Hey baby, I'm a superhero" actually worked and continued to work on Karen even after she sobered up. The two entered into an extremely fun-filled, steady relationship. A few years later, when Karen found herself pregnant, both she and Jeremy were terrified as they suddenly figured they would have to grow up. They did so much as to go out and get real jobs, but that was about the extent of it, they didn't even go so far as to get married.

Colin and Danielle arrived on the scene without much fuss on Sept. 13, 2005, which just so happened to be a Friday the 13th. Colin arrived first, nearly an hour before Danielle did. The twins had a very relaxed, normal upbringing, although some would say too relaxed. Jeremy and Karen weren't really big on pushing their children to do anything, they 'respected their privacy' as they put it.

At around age 10, it was becoming apparent that Danielle and Colin had inherited some of their father's powers. It was first noticed when Danielle, not wanting to go to the dentist one day, said " I wish the car was broken so I wouldn't have to go", and all four wheels immediately dropped off the vehicle. If this wasn't enough proof that something was out of the ordinary, Jeremy's danger-sense was going beserk. Eventually, the family discovered that Danielle could cause 'bad luck' while Colin was aspected towards good luck.

It was also around this time that, due to tax constraints put on un-married, common-law couples by the LDS, Jeremy and Karen decided that they had to get married. It was a small affair attended by some of Jeremy's old YJ teammates, and as luck would have it, no supervillains crashed the affair.

While experimenting with their powers on a stray dog one day, the twins discovered that, using their powers on something at the same time was a very, very bad thing when the dog literally exploded. This shocked the twins greatly, and they spoke of it to no one, but they did solemnly swear to one another that they would never, ever do that again. Soon after learning about his powers, Colin decided to take the mantle that his great uncle had long ago given up, and that his father refused to take due to the ugliness of the costume, the role of the Blue Beetle. Colin decided that the Knight Academy team of Young Justice wasn’t for him, since they were all immature anyway, so he joined up with the Titans. Shortly after, he convinced his sister to join up as well.


Colin is a rash young lad. A slacker most of the time, the only motivation he has is being Blue Beetle. He tends to joke around a lot and jump the gun in critical situations. He wants to be the ladies man, but isn’t quite there yet.

He also tends to be very overprotective of his sister.
