A million thanks to the following people and/or websites for the invaluable help they gave in constructing this page, providing bios, providing pics, and support:
- DC Comics, and it's various Who's Who's, Who's Who's of the Legion of Super Heroes, and Secret Files.
- All the players
- James Parkhurst and The Nightwing's Lair
- Eric Burke
- Matt Phillips
- Mike Rehor and JLA HQ
- Nik Stanoshek, Scott Redding, Kim Jensen and the Superboy Homepage
- On Target! The Arrowette Webpage
- The Atom Webpage
- "Tara Markov" and the Extensive Damage Webpage
- The Immortal Dr. Fate Webpage
- Dibny Dirt!
- The One True Guy Gardner Homepage
- Those Who Ride the Lightning and Kelson Vibber for use of his bio.
- Denise Peterson
- Kel, the Wanderer
- Mirror Lad's Image Gallery
- Sean Taylor and the Unofficial Spoiler Webpage
- The Wondertwins Homepage
- Mike Marchand
- Patrick hanley for the Puck bio
Except where noted, all characters, images, etc are the property of DC Comics and used without permission. This site, and its associated RPG are meant for entertainment purposes only, and is a non-profit fan site dedicated to the great comics of DC Comics.
Magik, Shadowcat and Cypher and all related images are trademark and property of Marvel Comics and used without permission
Psi, Astra, Bliss, Lightning Bug, Aquagirl II, Shockwave, Fortunato, Bladerunner, Force and Coldfront are propereties of their individual creators and players within the game and are used with permission.