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Real Name: Darin Stihvens
Marital status: single
Known relatives: Bill Stihvens (father), Samantha Stihvens (mother), Tabitha Stihvens (sister), Dora Stihvens (grand mother).
Occupation: Highschool Student, Adventurer
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Young Justice HQ
Group affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Blue


Darin grew up in a very nuclear family. His home life is the model of functional, everyone gets along, everyone is always happy with each other; to outsiders his family seems straight from a 50's sitcom. Despite all this, Darin has a very mischievous soul, almost purely driven by his sex-drive and need for attention. darin needs the world to love him, thus he excelled at sports and academia for the love of teachers and peers. highly successful as a child, he shared the top spot of popularity with his best friend Robert (see Bladerunner). Unlike with Robert, the success wasn't sought as a means for getting into a good college or job, rather it was a means to do these things in order to garner even more adulation and success. Darin has always been the captain of the football team, the baseball team, basketball, swim...he was always Homecoming and Prom King, he grew accustomed to success and popularity. When he one day discovered his telekinetic powers, he immediatelt put them to use in assisting his sports play, and began secretly dreaming of super-heroism. Together with Patrick, the two boys manipulated their powers around everything.

Then the day came where a fellow football team mate burst into flames and died instantly. Young Justice soon arrived and uncovered a plot by Durlan spies to experiment with the metagene in Terrans. Unfortunately, many of the children they chose for subjects began to die as a result. Together with Young Justice, Darin, Patrick and fellow class mate Billy (see also Cold Front) uncovered the Durlans' plot, apprehended them, and stabilized the metagene so no other children would die. Maintaining his secret identity, and continuing his manipulations of his powers to the best advantage at high school, he has also taken up with Young Justice and wants nothing more than to be adored as the world's greatest hero, and have the best super heroine for a girlfriend.


darin is an exceptional class athelete, in addition his metagene manipulation has caused him to develope telekinetic power. his power, and control, is strongest when used to propel things away from his person, or to propel himself, however he can use his telekinetics for all the typical applications.
