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Name: Diablo DaCosta
Age: 22
Eyes: Red
Hair: na
Known Relatives: Morgan Wolf (Magus, Father, Deceased), Beatriz DaCosta (Fire, Mother, Deceased)
Group Affilation: Outsiders, Bureau of Paranormal Research and Investigation (former)
Base of Operations: Detroit
D.O.B. 1998


Hellboy's father was killed before Hellboy was born. He, more accurately his horns, ended up killing his mother during childbirth. The doctors dubbed him "Diablo"--the devil, and whisked hm away to a Catholic church to be sent back to hell. The church succeeded in sending the infant child "back" to Hell.

Five years later, a group of Nazis summoned a demon from hell to serve them: Hellboy. Their plans didn't work out, Hellboy destroyed them, and was taken in by the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Investigation.

Hellboy spent the next fifteen years working as an agent with the BPRI, until he learned of their placing a cortex bomb in one of their less-trusted agents, a homunculi named Roger. He left the Bureau over this incident, toured around solo for a while, and eventually hooked up with Morph of the Outsiders, and joined their team. As it stands, Morph is his only real buddy on the team.

Despite his hellish appearance, Hellboy tries his best to assimilate into human society.

Powers and Abilities

He is tougher then a normal man, has a mean temper, and is hard as hell to kill. His right hand is made of some unknown metal-like material that cannot feel pain that he uses to beat ass.
