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Name: Elijah Jacobs
Occupation: Grade school student
Base of Operations: Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Affiliation: The LDS Avengers
Known Family: Alaistair & Carallee Jacobs (parents), Cora Jacobs (younger sister)
Age: 7
DOB: 2013
Height: 4'1"
Weight: 65
Eyes: Pale Blue
Hair: Blonde


Elijah is a child plagued with nightmares--nightmares that he isn't even safe from when he's awake.

The screaming episodes these nightmares induced have led to Elijah being homeschooled. These same fits, occasionally falling upon him during church services and events never went unnoticed.

Elijah was indoctrinated to trust in his elders, especially his Bishop and youth group leaders, and eventually he warned them of one of his nightmares: the bishop's son Billy Rogan would die in a skiing accident in three weeks. He was chastised for his meanness and spiteful nature. Three weeks later, Billy Rogan died exactly as he predicted.

From then on, everyone heeded Elijah's words, and soon after Bishop Michaelson from far away Salt Lake City (they lived in Cupertino, CA) came to his home and encouraged his family to move to SLC, where the church had people who could help care for someone as unique as Elijah. While the whole family has moved to SLC, because he's a "danger" he has yet to actually have spent a single day of his last nine months among his family. Instead, he's been remanded to care within the Avengers' facility where they work to train and hone his power, while using him in the field to help ensure the team's victories.

More than anything, he misses his mommy.


Elijah is a precog of unknown ability as to the extent of time he can see into the future. He can not control his visions or when he receives them.

Additionally, he is a latent telepath of unknown power potential. Puberty may prove either very bountiful, or very disastrous for him.
