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Real Name: Etienne de Roncevaux
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Fabletown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Lisaveta (mother, Russian fox Fable), Roland (unwitting foster father, French heroic Fable), Prince Charming (biological father, deceased), siblings TBD.
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 5”11
Weight: 167 lbs
Age: 14
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Golden Blonde
D.O.B. August 24, 2007


After the “death” of Roland in the Battle of Roncevaux Pass, he convalesced among the commoners and then eventually traveled Eastward towards the Russian Fablelands. Here he encountered the wily Fox who led him on numerous chases and adventures, and ultimately to the prize of discovering her human form as the Fable Lisaveta. They quietly wed and retired to the Fabelands. After centuries together they chose to begin having children. This was timed well, as Lisaveta had also fallen under the seductive nature of Prince Charming and, having had a torrid affair, conceived his child. Ever cunning, knowing honor would demand Roland disavow them both and fight Charming until one of them, one of the men she loved, died she sought from Baba Yaga the magics necessary to help her strengthen her lie, at the cost of a favor to be paid by her or hers some time later.

Etienne was thus born the spitting image of Roland, in likeness and almost completely in demeanor. He has his moments, as any boy, where his honour is cast aside in favor of mostly innocent shenanigans. Too many of these shenanigans, coupled with the success Snow and Bigby’s child were having at the Academy, saw Etienne signed up for transfer his ninth school year.

Powers and Abilities:

Etienne has been raised in swordplay from the time he was a toddler and is an Olympic level fencer and swordsman. While his mother tried to also educate him in magics, he had little patience for the craft and after so many years has barely been able to stutter through the most basic cantrips, usually to give his features a slightly more attractive hue, his clothes a more pleasing cut, etc. Like his mother, he can however become a fox at will (unlike lycanthropy this does not bestow any mystical benefits). And like the fox, luck seems to favor him.

Etienne is incredibly good looking and has a very easy demeanour. He often finds himself easily in romantic entanglements and at the center of many ill conceived childish adventures where he seems to be the center of attention. This is a likely lingering effect of his true paternity.

As with all Fables, he is a mystical creature, not truly human and with the occasional fictional oddity.


As a side effect of Baba Yaga’s spell, Etienne is incapable of deceit. Despite his trickster heritage, the honour of Roland is an ensorceled part of his being and he can not knowingly tell a falsehood.


Etienne is friendly and honourable. He is naturally at ease in most situations and with most people--a fast friend, and potential paramour, to many. He is also cut with a streak of mischief he seems to have difficulty reigning in at some times.


Etienne was given his father’s sword Durendal as a gesture of his father’s faith in his son’s heroic future. Similar to Excalibur and the Vorpal Blade, it is said that the blade is indestructible and can cut through anything. He has also been given the magical horn Olifant, which is said to have the power of summoning legends. He also wears a shirt of mystically strengthened silver mail when appropriate.
