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Name: Sebastian Faust
Ocupation: Grumpy wizard
Group Affiliation: Watchmen, Trenchcoat Brigade, Sentinels of Magic (former), Outsiders (former)
Known Relatives: Felix Faust (father, deceased), Flora Faust (sister, deceased)
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 178 lbs.
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Greying black

Post-Modern History:

After the god-war and the Outsiders' defeat of the Executioner, Faust remained with the team and began to rekindle his romance with former Outsider Halo as well. They remained more-or-less an item for the next ten years. After Huntress and HERO left the Outsiders, he remained an intermittant member, as the team itself began having troubles staying united--again.

During the Magic War of 2013, Faust's father was successfully performing a ritual that would have syphoned all of the power of earth's four great Elementals and harnessed this power within his frame. In order to defeat his father, and save all life on earth, Faust had to fight his spell with elemental energy of his own--energy provided via the ritualized sacrifice of Halo. With her powers and lifeforce fueling his magics, Faust was able to defeat, and slay, his father--and he was forced to kill his sister as she stood to prevent him.

The Magic War's events has left him emotionally scarred and literally haunted. Now, ghosts from his past haunt his steps--the strongest of these ghost's presences being those of Halo, his father Felix and sister Flora. Normal people do not see them.

Faust's murder of Halo left him ostracized, even hunted, by most of the hero community and he went into seclusion. For years he remained hidden and on-the-run, yet popping up on occasion to help Constantine, Dr. Occult, Phantom Stranger or Tim Hunter with this or that.

In most recent years, Faust was located and approached by a group of heroes more understanding of proactive measures, who understood that Halo's sacrifice was a larger trauma to him than any other, and a necessary sacrifice. Though joining them would make his presence higher-profile, Steel and Trickster were somehow quite persuasive and he's been with the Watchmen ever since.

Faust is a sorcerer and ritualist of indeterminate power level. It seems that his spells, when coupled with personal sacrifices are exceptionally more powerful--on par with Tim Hunter. If his spells are powered by a balance of mishap (something all of his spells are effected by in the modern realm--every spell he casts causes some side effect that's never entirely pleasant but also only rarely effecting the subjects of the spell) they fall into his mid-range--on par with Zatanna. If his spells involve no sacrifice or mishap (a relatively new development on his part: his focus of magical study since the Magic Wars) his power is weakest--on par with John Constantine.

Faust lacks a soul--his was sold away by his father decades ago, and his eyes are a void reflecting this
