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Sgt. Rock

Real Name: Sgt. Frank Rock
Known Relatives: General Frank Rock (great-grandfather, deceased), Sgt. John Michael Rock (great-great grand-father, deceased), Anne Rock (great-great aunt, deceased), Edward Rock (great-great uncle, deceased), Josh Rock (great-great uncle, deceased), Lt. Larry Rock (great-great uncle, deceased), Amy Rock (great-great aunt, deceased), Bill Rock (great-great uncle, deceased), Mickey Rock (great-great uncle, deceased, Clarence Rock (father), Adele Rock (mother), John Rock (brother), Quinn Rock (brother), Bonnie Rock (sister), Ellen Rock (wife), Frank Rock Jr. (son), Martin Rock (son)
Group Affiliation: Easy Company, U.S. Army; Outsiders
Marital Status: married
Ht/Wt: 5'10"/ 215 lbs.
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue
Age/ DOB: 35/ 1985

Frank, like everyone in his family, is a consummate patriot. On his 18th birthday he enlisted in the U.S. Army. While he was decorated many times for valor and patriotism, he always turned down any promotions that would elevate him above rank of Sgt. He has no desire to leave the battlefield, or leave the side of his men.

While on leave during his 27th year, he met and fell hard for Ellen Rigby. Their courtship was a whirlwind, and they were quickly married, with Frank whisking her away to live in a small 2 bedroom house on base. Two years later Frank Jr. was born. Three years after that, came Martin. That would make the kids ages 6 and 3.

He was on a standard patrol in April of 2020, with three other troops (Danny "Easy" Ryder, Joan "Oil Baby" Bidwell, "Four-Eyed" Greg Alaways) when Detroit just popped in. This of course, happened the same time when the Outsiders were in the zone. Frank was the only survivor of his unit, when the city appeared, he was the only one that wasn't instantly killed. The other three died due to walls appearing right where their bodies were.

Frank has no powers. He's a superb physical (though normal) specimen for a man of 35 years. He's got years of combat training under his belt, is a fine tactician and a good leader.
