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Freddy Quick

Real name: Alfred "Freddy" Grayson
Known Relatives: Richard Grayson (father), Jesse Chambers-Grayson (mother), Haley Grayson (sister), Johnathan "Johnny" Grayson (brother), Diana "Ana" Grayson (sister), Bruce Grayson (brother), Libby Lawrence (grandmother), Terry Grayson ('brother'), Jennifer Grayson ('sister') Johnny Chambers (grandfather, deceased), John Grayson (grandfather, deceased), Mary Grayson (grandmother, deceased), all members of the Chambers clan (psuedo relatives), Kali Anders (Nightfire, foster sister)
Base of Operations: Gotham City and Opal City
Occupation: student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lbs
Age: 16 (+4 years physically)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
D.O.B. July 15, 2004

Powers/Skills: Freddy inherited the powers of superspeed and flight from his mother. Like the other speedster members of his family, Freddy must use the formula 3X2(9YZ)4A in order to unlock his connection to the Speedforce. Freddy is also proficient in several forms of hand to hand combat (jeet kun do, karate, jujitsu) and has also been studying fencing. He is also gaining all skills/knowledge etc that comes with being a student at the Theodore Knight Academy.

The third child of Nightwing and Jesse Quick, Freddy was named for Alfred Pennyworth.

Freddy's superspeed manifested even earlier than Haley's did, when he was just shy of his fourth birthday, but their experiences with Haley left Dick and Jesse more able to deal with a superspeed toddler this time.

Freddy gets along very well with all his siblings, but his best friends are his older brother Johnny, his 'aunt' Jessica and Kiliwog Junior.

Freddy's endless curiosity has often taxed Nightwing and Jesse's ability to keep Freddy entertained. He has a new 'hobby' once a week it seems, and has tried everything from building model cars to baking to snowboarding. The only hobby that seems to have stuck with him is flyfishing, which is something Freddy loves to go do because he can drag his father and brothers with him and they can have a 'boys only' weekend every once in awhile.

Freddy is currently a member of Young Justice, which is actually proving to be an extra curricular activity that fills up his time.

Freddy is the true daredevil of the Grayson family. His motto seems to be "I'll try that". This has lead to countless broken bones and, when he was younger, episodes of being lost, yet nothing seems to dampen Freddy's curiosity. He is definitely the most Impulsive member of the Grayson family.
