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Real Name: Ghost
Occupation: student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Wolf Valley and Opal City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Snow White (mother), Bigby Wolf (father), North Wind (grandfather, deceased), Winter (grandmother, deceased), Ambrose (brother), Winter (sister), Darien (brother, deceased), Blossom, (sister), Therese (sister), Conner (brother), Rose Red (aunt)
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: NA
Weight: NA
Age: 15
Eyes: white
Hair: white
D.O.B.: 2006


In some ways, the relationship between Bigby Wolf and Snow White was a fairy-tale romance, in others, it was exactly out of a bad romance novel as the two had a what started out as an adversarial relationship that grew into an extremely strong and happy love affair.

Ghost and his siblings were conceived during a one night stand Bigby and Snow shared whilst under the influence of a spell put on them by the villain Bluebeard. Snow was not happy about this entire development at all.

Months later and after an extremely difficult labour, Snow gave birth to the cubs, seven in all ,of which Ghost was the last. The exhausted Snow wasn’t even truly aware of the existence of her seventh child right away, as Ghost was born invisible, a Zephyr.

Snow discovered the existence of her seventh child after Fables began turning up dead, and guessed correctly that he was responsible, and what he was. She kept him secret and sent him to find his father, who had left Fabletown shortly after the cubs’ birth. Since it became apparent fairly early on that the cubs had inherited their father’s wolf aspect, and could not control their shifting abilities , they were sent to live at the Farm with the other Fables who could not pass for human. However, this meant that Bigby had to be separated from his children as he had been permanently banned from the Farm. In his depression, he left. But Ghost was able to find his dad fairly easily, and it was Bigby who gave him the name Ghost.

Once Bigby returned and the family was together again, the other cubs were all introduced to Ghost on their fifth birthdays. They were all sworn to secrecy to not tell anyone about their invisible brother, and the cubs kept the secret.

Eventually though, the North Wind found out about Ghost and swore that he would have to uphold his duty and kill his rogue wind of a grandson. Obviously this did not sit well with Bigby, who challenged his father. But the North Wind, wanting to make amends with his family, instead chose to do battle with the villainous Mr. Dark and dies during the fight. This way, he saves Fabletown and does not have to chose between his family and his duty.

Ghost, like the other cubs, seems destined for... something. The witch Ozma has uttered a prophecy regarding the cubs:

The first child will be a king,
The second child a pauper.
The third will do an evil thing.
The fourth will die to stop her.
The fifth will be a hero bold.
The sixth will judge the rest.
The seventh lives to ages old, and is by heaven blessed.

This prophecy has caused some consternation in the Wolf household, but one of the outcomes is that Bigby and Snow made the decision to send Ghost out into the Mundy world, specifically to the Theodore Knight Academy, where he can learn of the outside world and how to be a ‘superhero’ as well as to provide an extra level of protection for him should any Fables seek him out because of his nature as a zephyr. Ghost is enjoying the mundy world and the Knight Academy immensely.

Powers and Abilities:

As a Zephyr, Ghost feeds on air, including the air from living beings. He is invisible, can fly, control and generate winds and is also immaterial to physical attacks. He may even have slight precognitive powers , displayed when he put a toy sword through an action figure of Jack of Fables, not knowing that the exact thing had actually befallen Jack.

Ghost is also very skilled at tracking and finding people.


Zephyrs have been outlawed by the Four Winds due to their feeding off living creatures. They are deemed too dangerous and were always hunted down and destroyed, usually by the North Wind, Ghost’s own grandfather. Though Ghost has survived, there may be those Fables who still share the prejudice that Zephyrs should always be killed.


Ghost is basically a sweetheart who gets along with everyone. He’s sometimes confused by what he’s experiencing in the Mundy world, but he’s always willing to help and to learn. He’s a fantastic team player, which, given that he comes from such a strong pack, is hardly surprising.
