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Name:Grace Michaelson
Occupation: College student
Base of Operations: Salt Lake City, Utah
Group Affiliation: The LDS Avengers
Known Family: Bishop Grant Michaelson (grandfather, founder of the LDS Avengers), Morris Michaelson (father), Gerry Michaelson (mother), Grant & Morris Michaelson (older brothers)
Age: 17
DOB: 2003
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 105
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde


Grace is the perfect daughter, the perfect Mormon, and she's happy with that. She lives to please her family and is both an exceptional student and a superhero because it makes them happy.

She's never had a life outside of this.

This year her grampa gave her a very special present: the Psycho Pirate's confiscated mask.


She has no powers, but is extremely intelligent and has spent years in gymnastics, aikido, tae kwon do and ken po karate. She can kick most peoples' butts, most normal peoples'.

With her newest gift, the Psycho Mask, she has the power to control the emotions of others, and uses it to make sure people always Choose The Right...
