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Name:Gregor Konstantin
Alias: Zero
Relatives: None known
Occupation: Marksman
Group Affiliation: Watchmen
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 280 lbs
Age: 30
Eyes: Light blue, so pale almost white.
Hair: Dark dark brown
D.O.B. 1990
D.O.D. Feb. 26, 2020


Gregor was an abandoned baby left on the doorstep of a Catholic nunnery in Piraeus, Greece. Raised by the sisters, he grew a happy healthy boy, tall and strong. He didn't make many friends outside of the convent.

As a preteen, as his height shot up and his body began to add more and more bulk, his own studies in athletics began to excel; both the nuns and he saw a future for him in athletics, their eyes on getting him to the Olympics where he could make a name for himself in the world existing outside of the convent's orphanage. He showed greatest promise in all areas involving a measure of marksmanship: the javelin, the hammer throw, discus, archery, rifle...

The 2008 Summer Olympics neared, and his reputation had grown internationally. He was expected to sweep all of his events. Four months before the Olympics would begin, someone firebombed the convent (he was away at the World Games at the time), and everyone died. No one ever stepped forward, and no one was ever found out for the crime, but it would change young Gregor's life forever.

Understanding the only life the killers had left to take from him was his own, he decided the best revenge would be to continue on. That year Gregor Konstantin took the Gold in every event he participated (he joined the soccer and basketball teams as well, bringing them to the Gold). After the Olympics he disappeared from the public eye completely and never stepped back. To this day, no one has matched his record number of Gold Medals won in a single Olympiad.

After the Olympics, he was approached by Interpol. Through them he learned that he was a metahuman, and that his powers were what had brought him all his victories. They agreed to keep his powers secret and save him from scandal, if he would join their ranks as a sharpshooter. Gregor had nothing to leave behind anyway, and accepted the offer.

He served Interpol until the Magic Wars of 2013. He was sent on a mission to take out the evil Tim Hunter (aka the Other). He never made it even close. Run afoul by demons, he was lucky only to make it out of the experience with his life. He used the experience as an out from Interpol, allowing the Magic Wars to claim him as another casualty as far as they were concerned, and again "disappeared" without a trace.

Gregor spent the next three years as a gun for hire, until the day he was approached by a purple-skinned Green Lantern. On New Years Day 2016, Gregor was drafted by Jon Claridjna into the Watchmen. They would vow to help him track the killers of his nuns, if possible, and he would help them save the world from itself. Both parties agreeing to turn a blind eye to the activities of his previous three years.

In February of 2020, Watchmen satellite sensors picked up the approach of a strangely irradiated meteor. They intercepted it and brought it to the satellite for study. The rock housed strange pulsating eggs, the like of which no member had ever witnessed. In less than 72 hours the sattelite was crashed to Earth, aliens had killed all of the satellite's human crew, and more than one member of the team had perished, incluing Gregor.

While the Watchmen lay wounded, the JLA and the Maple League battled the aliens, while members of both teams sought to save as many of the Watchmen as possible. In so doing, Magus attempted a spell to resuscitate the dead, the result returning Gregor to a caricature of life: his sentience and soul intact, housed in his dead animated body. Gregor had been transformed into the living dead. He APPEARS to be taking it all in stride.

Powers and Abilities

As a metahuman, Gregor has the power to never miss his mark, even blinded. He can, and has, take a common housefly out of the air at 40 meters with a spit-wad. Gregor has never missed a shot a day in his life.

Prior to his death he was a formidable athlete, nearly as strong and sturdy as an unenhanced human can possibly achieve, with excellent reflexes. As a zombie, his reflexes are dulled; he's slower than he once was, still at human athletic speeds, but a grim shadow of his once lightning-like reflexes. His life in death however has added new enhancements upon him: he now bears the strength of twenty men, the endurance of an armored truck. He can feel no pain, and wounds can't stop him. Damaged or lost body parts can be sewn back on, magic can restore damage to his flesh.

His undead condition has not had any effect upon his metahuman abilities whatsoever. He still always hits his mark.

Gregor is fluent in Greek, Latin, English, Spanish, Italian and French. His years with interpol and as an assassin have enriched him with a wide array of skills (to the DC Heroes savvy, this equates to: Vehicles, Weaponry, Martial Arts, Thief, Military all at 10-12 APs, with some points in First Aid and Electronics as well)
