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Superhero Name: Flash (V)
Real Name: Haley Jessica Grayson
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Christopher Wayne (Batman, Husband), Richard Grayson (father), Jesse Chambers-Grayson (mother), Johnathan Grayson, (brother), Alfred "Freddy" Grayson (brother), Diana "Ana" Grayson (sister), Bruce Grayson (brother), Libby Lawrence (grandmother), Terry Grayson ('brother'), Johnny Chambers (grandfather, deceased), John Grayson (grandfather, deceased), Mary Grayson (grandmother, deceased)
Base of Operations: Gotham City
Occupation: currently finishing her undergraduate degree in Economics.
Group Affiliation: JLA
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 131 lbs
Age: 21
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
D.O.B. October 4, 1999

Powers: Like her mother and grandfather before her, Haley Grayson uses the spoken formula, 3X2(9YZ)4A, to gain the power of superspeed. She also inherited her mother and grandmother's superstrength and, due to a protective spell Zatanna placed on Jesse while she was pregnant with Haley, Haley is more physically resilliant than other speedsters. She is continuously trying to learn new speed 'tricks' and has already mastered being able to vibrate through things and is also able to sense and locate other speedsters through their connection to the Speedforce.

History: The eldest child of Nightwing and Jesse Quick, Haley was born exactly one month after her parents were married. Haley has always wondered why her parents never talk about their wedding very much, even though they're fine with discussing how fast Haley arrived on the scene after it.

Haley's superspeed manifested when she was 5 years old, which caused some problems in the Grayson household, mainly with those family members who did not posess superspeed themselves, but all adapted with no major mishaps, only a few minor ones. Due to Haley's superspeed, Impulse was sometimes called upon to help be a babysitter. This show of trust by Jesse and Nightwing did alot for Impulse's confidence and also ment that Haley formed a close bond with her 'Uncle' Bart. Haley also grew up with a bad case of hero worship for her older 'brother' Terry (Nightstrike).

Haley began her training in martial arts and acrobatics when her superspeed manifested, as Nightwing decided it would be the best for her to learn how to integrate her powers with her skills as soon as possible. It soon became terribly apparent that superspeed used with martial arts and acrobatics was going to make for quite a deadly combination. Haley took to the training with an ease and love that didn't really astound her parents.

Being surrounded by a mostly superheroic family and extended family, there was never really much of a question in Haley's mind that she would likewise grow up to become a superhero. Strangely enough, it was Jesse, who, despite having started her heroing career much at a much later age than Dick did, advocated that Haley went to the Theodore Knight Academy and was allowed to join the latest incarnation of Young Justice when she turned 13. Dick opposed this vehemently, but eventually captiulated to the wishes of his wife and daughter. The one stipulation of Haley's joining YJ was that she couldn't miss any school and that she ALWAYS keep her parents informed of her whereabouts. Agreeing to these restrictions, Haley joined Young Justice and took the name of Quickwing (whatdaya want, she was 13).

After many adventures with Young Justice and with her parents (including helping a younger version of Jesse and the other speedsters against Savitar), Haley graduated from Young Justice at the age of 18. In typical, headstrong Haley fashion, she showed up at the headquarters of the JLA and asked Superman (Kon-El) for a job as the current league did not have a speedster. Superman, impressed with the girl's confidence, and not being able to fault her pedigree (and the fact that she was the first speedster of her age group to apply), immediately made her a member of the JLA. It was at this point that Haley, with the full blessing of her mother and her Uncle Bart, decided to change her code name and became the fifth person to bear the title of the the Flash.

Personality: Haley is one of those annoying people who seem to be good at whatever they turn their hand to, a trait which she definitely inherited from her father. With her background, Haley has all the makings to be a perfect, spoiled rich-kid, but fortuantely, this didn't happen as she has had so many different influences in her life. Haley is an extremely intelligent, energetic and flamboyant person. Like both her parents, she has a rather forceful personality, which some interpret as being tenatious, while others just call it being stubborn. She is extremely confident, to the point where it does hover on over-confidence, but she does generally possess the maturity to reign herself in when the need arises.
