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Name: Iris Suzanne Dibny
Age: 18
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Known Relatives: Ralph Dibny (Elongated Man, father), Sue Dibny (mother), Trent Dibny (brother), Donna Dibny (sister)
Group Affilation: JLA
Base of Operations: Alcatraz Island
D.O.B. 2002


Elongated Man's eventual return from space was an extremely joyous event for himself and his wife Sue, and after many years of marriage, they finally had a child, a daughter, in 2002.

Iris was always extremely inquisitive, a trait admired by her father and quietly dreaded by her mother. She was always off on little adventures of her own devising. When she was six, her father was offered a position at the Theodore Knight Academy, and if for no other reason than to help keep her out of trouble, he took the job, transferring her there as well immediately (her siblings all went on to attend as well).

Iris joined the Academy's Young Justice team at a very young age, and remained a member for 8 years up until her graduation. She's only recently accepted an invite from Superman to join his refurbished Justice League.

Powers and Abilities

Like her father, Iris can stretch and manipulate her body to fantastical proportions. While she received combat training as part of her education at the Theodore Knight Academy, she didn't study her combat training with all that much gusto. She can hold her own, but she's on no one's top 100 martial artists list; rather, she chose to dive into detective work, critical analysis, forensics, and such, and is quite probably the brightest detective of her generation.
