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Name: Jaime Kyle
Age: 18
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Known Relatives: Selina Kyle (Catwoman, mother), James Jesse (Trickster, father), Billy Hong (half-brother)Theodore "Ted" Kyle (Thirteen, half-brother), Kathryn Kyle (the Kitten, half-sister), Thea Kord (Huntress, half-sister)
Group Affilation: Outsiders
Base of Operations: Mobile
D.O.B. April 1, 2002

Jaime's parents first met when they were both members of the Watchmen. Trickster was immediately smitten with Catwoman. Catwoman immediately noticed this, which led her to wrap Trickster around her little finger, but not in a bad way.

Other than some fairly intense flirting, nothing happened between Catwoman and Trickster for quite some time, until late 2001, when Catwoman, after a lengthy absense, returned to the Watchmen and finally returned Trickster's advances, much to his shock and delight.

Catwoman became pregnant from this liason, and unlike her first child, she did not hide the pregnancy from the father, and Trickster was overjoyed to find out he was going to be a father again. Not having really known his son Billy, Trickster told Catwoman he wanted to be very involved with the raising of their child.

Jaime Kyle came silently into the world on April Fool's Day, 2002. Trickster was delighted with his daughter's birthdate, and with his daughter in general. Once she was old enough to be weaned from her mother, Jaime lived with Trickster full time. The two adored each other from the start.

When Jaime was old enough, Trickster enrolled her in the Theodore Knight Academy so that she could get some basic learning in and socialize with other children her own age. She excelled at the socialization part, but was only an average student, as her attention span was not generally suited for long hours of class work. When Jaime turned 13, Trickster decided to remove her from school so that they could travel the world together, and finish her education in this manner.

Jaime never really bonded with her older brother, Ted Grant Kyle (Thirteen), but really hit it off with her younger sister, Kathryn (the Kitten).

At the age of 15, during a visit with her mother, Kathryn and Jaime, each egging the other on, decided to do something "bad" and so between the two of them, they went on a shoplifting spree. When Trickster found out what Jaime had done, he went ballistic. Jaime was shocked, her father had never before been so mad at her, and she couldn't understand why he was being so hypocritical, as she thought he'd be proud of her, showing that she inherited her parents' talents, and she told him this in no uncertain terms. Trickster immediately stopped yelling, and sat Jaime down to tell her why he never, ever wanted her to turn to a life of crime. Years ago, Trickster performed his greatest con ever on a very powerful demon called Neron. In order to escape going to Hell after he died, Trickster pretty much became a good guy. Trickster explained to Jaime that he didn't want to take the chance that Neron could strike back at him through Jaime, and so begged her that she would never become a villian, that she would always try to do what was right. Slightly shocked at what her father just told her, Jaime agreed, and never committed another deliberate crime again.

A year later, Trickster had a falling out with his old friend, and teammate, Anarky. Due to this fight, Trickster returned to the Watchmen to become a full time member again. 17 year old Jaime joined her father on the team and took the codename Wiley. However, it wasn't long before Calista Crenson (Random), one of Jaime's good friends from the Knight Academy, approached Jaime to join the Outsiders. Jaime decided that she needed to get out on her own for awhile, and so accepted Random's offer. Trickster wasn't exactly thrilled with this, but decided it would be best not to smother his daughter, and let her go. However, he does keep as close an eye on her as he can.

Wylie, like both her parents, has no superhuman powers. She is an excellent hand to hand combatant, having learned martial arts at the Theodore Knight Academy and from her mother. She is also a top-notch acrobat. Wylie has an excellent memory and has an almost uncanny ability that she always seems to know where she is, it is nearly impossible for her to get lost. She is also a remarkable talker and can usually talk her way out of any situation. She is not the inventor her father is, but does use a number of his gadets, including her own pair of Airwalker shoes.

Jaime is EXTREMELY close to her father. She worships him and can be slightly overprotective of him. Jaime loves her mother, but is not close to her because she can't understand why Catwoman married those uptight guys instead of Trickster. Every report card that Jaime ever brought home from from the Knight Academy said the same thing: that she is a smart girl, but does not apply herself to her fullest potential. Jaime always explained to her father that her status as an underachiever meant that people would underestimate her. Jaime is charming, beautiful and a little vain. Like both her parents, she has a lust for life that can make her rather irresitable. She is determined to do the right thing in life, and to make her father proud, even if her schemes do sometimes blow up in her face.
