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Name: Jakeem Williams
Occupation: TV personality, Adventurer
Known Relatives: None
Group Affilation: JSA
Base of Operations: Brooklyn, NY
Age: 36
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 186 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black


When Jay Garrick paid a friendly visit to the now elderly Johhny Thunder, Johnny's oldest ally, the genie known as Thunderbolt, was trapped within a fountain pen. In a moment of stupidity, Jay accidently lost the pen with the Thunderbolt still trapped inside. The fountain pen eventually found itself in the hands of young JJ Thunder, who unknowingly unleashed the Thunderbolt after speaking the secret command word "Cei-U" (pronounced "Say You")

Not much has been established about JJ's past. It is known that J.J., much like Johnny Thunder before him, is the seventh son of a seventh son, and was born on a date and year ending in the number seven. These requirements are what enables J.J. to control the Thunderbolt. J.J. was originally very uncomfortable with the possession of the Thunderbolt, but after seeing how much fun it is, he has really begun to enjoy spending time with his new friend.

Despite J.J.'s claims, he never did join up with Wildcat's team (The JSA), but instead served on a sort of reserve status. He was called in to assist the All-Star Squadron, a new group of "old" heroes.

After that group's dissolution, J.J. went on to assist the heroes of Young Justice, and eventually joined their ranks and helped save the world countless times over.

Early in his Young Justice career, together with Cassie (Wondergirl), Jakeem gained the notice of the producers of the television show Angel. The two signed on for recurring roles in the series, as well as its spin-offs.

JJ's recurring role on 'Angel' eventually brings him into the attention of Kiku Thunder, Johnny Thunder's young adopted daughter. Kiku, thinking Jakeem is abusing the Thunderbolt power for fame only, tracks him down, intending to take the 'Bolt away from him.

After a few encounters, Kiku - who can control the 'Bolt as well - nearly succeeds in stealing him away from Jakeem, until eventually Jakeem's well placed orders to the 'Bolt (think "Don't listen to her anymore!" or something) takes her control over the Thunderbolt away. Kiku leaves, swearing that she'll still be watching Jakeem very closely and will be checking up on him, despite her now lack of power.

Jakeem eventually falls into place with being a hero, becomes more focused and intentful and even becomes such great friends with the T-Bolt that he doesn't need to be QUITE as specific in his requests as he used to.

At some point, Jakeem officially loses the name "J.J." and even gets upset when others call him that (except for his old YJ friends).

The Magic War (2013):

The Thunderbolt goes wild and uncontrollable, a condition caused by all of the mystic energry circulating. Jakeem, fearing for the 'Bolt and the potential chaos that could be caused by him, calls on Kiku for assistance. Kiku & Jakeem are able to help the Thunderbolt and restore Jakeem's control. Jakeem and Kiku make amends, and Kiku's control over the Thunderbolt is restored.

With most superteams disbanded, Jakeem and Kiku become partners, helping people while sharing the power of the 'Bolt for an undisclosed amount of time.

Nowadays (JSA2020):

After 20 years, Thunder is much more confident in his abilities and those of the Thunderbolt, and is now very appreciative of authority. However, although he doesn't need to be AS SPECIFIC with the Thunderbolt, the control is still hardly perfect.

Thunder's foul language habit is still obvious.

Things Change: Jakeem and Kiku are engaged.

Powers and Abilities

Jakeem is now in complete control of the powerful djinn named Yz, otherwise known as the Thunderbolt. The Thunderbolt is incredibly powerful, and performs Jakeem's every request. However, Jakeem must phrase his requests carefully, as the Thunderbolt will still on occasion perform tasks as literally as they were said. Also, without the Thunderbolt's protection, Jakeem is completely mortal and can be harmed as such.
