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Jesse Quick

Name: Jessica Belle Chambers
Age: 17
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Known Relatives: John Chambers (Johnny Quick II, Father), Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle III, Mother), Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle I, pseudo-mom, deceased), Jessica Belle Grayson (Jesse Quick I, pseudo-Sister), Richard Grayson (Nightwing, pseudo-Brother-in-law), Johnathan Law (Tarantula II, Step-father, former), Johnathan Chambers Jr. (Twin-Brother, deceased), Jack Chambers (Jack B. Quick, Brother), Maxwell Chambers (Brother), Jennifer Chambers (Sister), Judith Chambers (Sister), Theodore Chambers (Brother), Jared Chambers (Brother), Jillian Chambers (Sister), Jacob Chambers (Brother), Justain Chambers (Brother), Jennifer Grayson (Quick, Pseudo-Niece), Terry Grayson (Nightstrike, Pseudo-Nephew), Haley Grayson (Flash V, Pseudo-Niece), Johnathan Grayson (Nightwing II, Pseudo-Nephew), Alfred Grayson (Freddie Quick, Pseudo-Nephew), Kali Anders-Grayson (Pseudo-Nephew), Diana Grayson (Pseudo-Niece), Bruce Grayson (Pseudo-Nephew), Kali Anders (Nightfire, pseudo-foster niece).
Group Affilation: Young Justice
Base of Operations: Opal City
D.O.B. 2003


Jesse's parents divorced in 2002, when her mother was pregnant with her and her brother John. Long time friend and comrade John Law then began doing everything he could to give Libby a hand raising the kids, and the two eventually grew closer and closer from the bond and grew into lovers. They remained together for two years. Then, in early 2005, John, whose career as a writer was failing, began to drink heavily. An argument between the two parents ensued and before anyone even realized it was happening, he'd struck Libby. She moved out the next day. She and Johnny had kept in touch those years, because of the children, and had already become good friends again, and had then reunited rather quickly. Months later Jack was born. Because of the nearness of his birth to the separation of Libby and John Law, everyone wondered if Jack was the son of Law or Chambers. Until His own powers manifested at an early age, proving himself a Chambers.

Jesse led a happy life from that point on. She loves everyone in her family greatly, including all of her pseudo-relations, and seems to have benefited socially from growing up at the Knight Academy, where her mom is a teacher.

Powers and Abilities

Powers: Like her father before her, Jesse uses the spoken formula, 3X2(9YZ)4A, to gain the power of superspeed. She also inherited her mother's superstrength, and bears all the fringe benefits an education at the Theodore Knight Academy entails.
