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Red Bird

Secret ID: Jesse Grayson II
Known Relatives: Terry Grayson(Father), Katie Connor-Grayson(Mother), Johnathan Chambers (Great-Grandfather, deceased), Libby Lawrence-Chambers (Great Grand-mother), Dick Grayson("Grandfather"), Jesse Chambers-Grayson('Grandmother'), Haley Grayson('Aunt'), Johnny Grayson('Uncle'), Freddy Grayson(Uncle), Kali Anders (Foster Aunt). All other members of Grayson and Chambers are also either aunt or uncle, etc.
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Affiliation: Outsiders
Height: 5'2
Age: 13
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
D.O.B: 2007

Powers: Like his Father, Jesse gets a few minutes of sleep each time he blinks due to his speedster gene, and therefore never has to sleep. His suit gives him the following abilities:

Body armor: Jesse's suit is completely Red and Black. The only part that is Red is his vest and mask, which completely covers his face and has a black R on the forehead. His cape is made of the same material as his armor, and is black.

Neuro-Muscular Amplifyers: Allow him to lift 2 tons no straining, 3 tons with.

Gloves: Much like Terry's have compartments for his collapsable batarangs and wrist launchers that allow him to shoot them farther, and grappling lines. Also has Terry's super-hearing via his finger tips.

Mask: Ditto(Except there is a voice enhancer that makes him sound deeper than he really is) He also possesses a commlink built from his father's old JLA ID card, which allows him to communicate with just about any team he needs to get a hold of, and vice-versa.

Retractable staff: Usually stored behind his back Utility Belt: Has all the basics, and an Anti-Grav device that allows Jesse to fly.

Internal Systems: Allows him to hack into anything, provided his computers and skill are stronger than the one's he's trying to hack. Also has recording device.

Neo-Camoflauge: Jesse's suit gives him the ability to bend and reflect the light around him, making him virtually invis. to the naked eye. He can only use this for short periods, as his suit starts to heat up fairly quickly while it's on.

Vehicle: After much consideration on Terry's and Katie's part, Jesse now drives the Nightmobile.


Most people would think that having aunts and uncles roughly a few years older or younger would seem odd. But Jesse was not one of them. Terry and Katie decided to get married in the year 2005, and Jesse was born two years later. Terry and Katie decided to name their son Jesse, as Katie was in labor with him for only a half hour. This brought a tear to Jesse Quick's eye, but she was very happy with the name. After Jesse was born, Terry and Katie both retired from YJ as they did not want to endanger their son with the threat of not having any parents.

Jesse was very curious about just about anything he could get his hands on. He liked to try new things, but always did his best not to get himself in trouble. One night, when Terry and Katie came home late, and paid Haley for babysitting him, Haley said she could feel a small amount of speedforce coming from Jesse. This was about when Jesse was at the age of seven, but Terry decided he should take Jesse to see "Grandma". After a few minutes of examining him, Jesse was told that he had a speed power much like his father, and wouldn't have to sleep that much, if at all. This was also about the time when Jesse first saw the batcave. (He had known for a while what his parents did in their teen years, but hadn't seen the batcave until now) Terry was a little surprised by this, but it also made sense considering that Jesse was always asking if he could stay up later.

After this news, Jesse more than ever wanted to be a hero like his parents were. Terry was hoping that Jesse would not want to live this life, but knew he couldn't argue with the boy as he was to much like his mother when it came to nagging, and his mother would also point out just how old Terry was when he started out. So from age 8 to 12, Jesse was trained to hunt down leads and find clues. He never put on a costume, but would always try to help his aunts and uncles from the sidelines. Finally, Jesse was allowed to have a costume and an identity of his own. He was going to be Red Bird, because it was as close to Robin as he could get, and it also made his mother quite happy about the name he chose. But Red Bird chose to be on the outsiders, on the condition that he would always have his comm to talk to his aunts or uncles if the need arose to which he needed help. Jesse is currently home schooled, as Katie stays home with him. Terry now works for Wayne Enterprises and is doing quite well in the development office. (He has made a few things for Wayne Enterprises that he knows will benefit mankind)

Personality: Jesse for his age, is a quite serious boy. He will always question anything that seems out of the ordinary and will do his best to crack any case he is working on. Jesse, outside of costume however, is quite a different story. He loves spending time with Grandma and Grandpa as they always tell him stories of when Terry was younger. He also LOVES when his "aunt Haley" visits him, mainly due to the fact that even if she can only make a quick stop, it doesn't take her very long to get across town. Jesse also loves all of his relatives, and does is best to listen to their crimefighting tips, so he can be a better one himself. He and his Uncle Johnny usually will discuss and compare notes on what gadgets to use for a certain situation, and Jesse always listens to see if there was a better way than the way he did a certain thing.
