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the Crimson Knight

Name: Sir Johan Jacob Reilley
Age: 21
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Known Relatives: Danette Reilley (Firebrand IV, Mother), Sir Justain (The Shinng Knight II, Father, deceased), Sir Justain (The Shining Knight I, Adoptive Father), Brandy Reilley (Sister), Winston Victor Reilley (Brother).
Group Affilation: Global Guardians
Base of Operations:
D.O.B. 2000


Danette Reilley, the Firebrand clone on the All Star Squadron of 2000 surprised everyone by having a baby--no one but her even knew she had been pregnant; she'd never shown. It would seem that Firebrand, and long time love Shining Knight had conceived Johan short weeks before Shining Knight, along with most of the other clones, perished. Danette kept her pregnancy a secret, never quite knowing who to tell, what to say or what she would do.

This is where the real Sir Justain steps into the picture. For months the two had done what they could to avoid each other. Each of them seeing the love they'd lost every time they looked upon each other. Johan's birth changed everything. In a perverse sense of reality, this child was Sir Justin's, and his existence served to bring the two together.

As a young child, the eight year-old Johan inadvertantly set the family home ablaze with his awakening powers. His younger sister Brandy was scarred in the blaze. Johan was placed in the Knight Academy immediately, and as a magical gift from Mister Majestic, Brandy's scars were all lifted.

Johan graduated an average student. Bright, but not wholly interested in many of his courses. During the summer after his Senior year at the Academy, Johan vacationed abroad, touring across Europe accompanied by his classmate and good friend, Ted Knight. Much of the exploits the two experienced abroad have been kept between the two of them. It is known that they met a girl in France, though her name remains unrevealed, and that the girl came to travel with them. At one point during their trip, touring Windsor Castle, the two foiled an attempt by the villain Twilight to steal the crown jewels. Both lads were beknighted for their great deed to Mother England. This is the only event known to the public at large of their time abroad, as it was such a newsworthy affair. Something happened in late August to anger the two towards each other, and they spent the subsequent two years no longer friends, the girl as well went her separate way. It's only in recent months, after each had joined their own respective and different superhero organizations, that the two Knights began to renew their friendship and put past angers behind them.

Powers and Abilities

Sir Johan has the power to produce and control flame and extreme temperatures of heat. Additionally, he received training at the Theodore Knight Academy and went away with all such Training could provide for him.
