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Anti Quick

Name John “Johnny” Quick
Known Relatives: Un named Parents
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Ht: 6’1”
Wt: 180 lbs
Group Affiliation: Injustice League
D.O. B. 1999

Origin: John’s parents named him John after seeing Johnny Quick II on the news. His parents were new age types who believed that by naming their kid John, he would become a great Hero- Johnny Quick III. They had no idea what synergy they were setting up.

As a child John wanted more. Most of his parents money was going to whatever guru they were following this month. So although they made 6 figures- John lived in almost poverty. Worse John was forced to read all their texts- which he found by and large stupid.

That was until he came across John Chambers I’s writing.... John got hooked on finding his own inner power and eventually was able to unlock the speed force.He first used his powers for small time smash and grabs- stealing cds from stores and wallets from people right after they used the cash machine. Then he saw Haley on the news with YJ... He fell instantly in love.

He relocated to Opal... let people know he was Johnny Quick III and started to annoy Haley (He even went so far as to murder John Chambers Jr., and has yet to be discovered for that crime). Haley saw him for what he was- a mean person who didn’t care a lick about anyone else but himself. She tried to dump him easy or get him to turn himself in... but John then started stalking her.

Eventually Flash IV found John messing around on school property and sent John to Juvie. Since then John has gone over the bend- declaring that he’d get even with the Quick family... and that if Haley won’t marry him- he’ll kill her one day.

Powers: John has super speed. He is only able to achieve about Mach 2 by himself- however he has found it child’s play to steal speed from others. So often there are car accidents and other disasters when John uses his powers.
