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Name: Kiliwog Jr.
Age: 14
Eyes: Purple
Hair: N/A
Known Relatives: Kiliwog (Father), Ind'Ra Woggh (Mother, the "Red Durlan")
Group Affilation: Young Justice, freshman
Base of Operations: Opal City
D.O.B. 2006


Junior was only an infant when the Knight Academy was established and his parents took up positions on the teaching staff. Given that, Junior's entire life has been spent growing up around the other staff, and all of the Academy's students from day one. He prides himself in being such "close friends" with so many of the school's alumna.

Entering the Academy himself at age five, Junior was always extremely bright in the sciences and math, and excelled at his physical education. He lacks interest in the other courses though and so is only an average student over-all, at best.

Junior's driving goal is to prove he's got the chops to be an exceptional hero to his dad, whom he absolutely reveres, and hopes to make his dad proud enough to pass on the Power Ring...

Powers and Abilities

Junior is brilliant with the physical sciences and is proving to be quite the young inventor. Though he lacks the patience to ever finish most of his projects, instead spending any free time he can hanging out or working out. Physically, he's a powerhouse like his father; the only genetic gift he's seemed to gain from his mother thus far is the ability to stretch his arms, legs, neck or torso to great lengths--an ability he finds useless for anything save spying on the girls' dorms.
