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Kal Armorr

Name: Bruce Kal-El Kent Armorr
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195lbs
Known Relatives: Jonathan Kent (adoptive Grandfather, deceased), Martha Kent (adoptive Grandmother, deceased), Kara Kent Armorr (Mother, Superwoman), Val Armorr (Father, Sensei), Kon-El (adoptive cousin, Superman), Roxanne Leech (adoptive cousin-in-law, Green Lantern), Barbara Dinah Kent Armorr (sister), Diana Clarice Kent Armorr (sister, Flamebird), Brin Arthur Richard Kent Armorr (brother), Barbara Gordon-Knight (Godmother), Clark Kent I (cousin, superman, deceased), Clark Kent II (cousin, Red Sun), Arthur Curry (Godfather, deceased)
Group Affilation: Watchmen
Base of Operations:
D.O.B. Jan. 2000


Kal is the oldest son of Val and Kara. He and his younger sister Babs are cut from the same cloth. Growing up they were more like twins in the way they were inseparable. One of their key differences though are their view of their parents role in the world and their approach to dealing with it.

Like Babs, Kal disapproves of his mother's isolationism. He feels she's lost her fire, and her courage, and is hiding from something she refuses to face; though he himself hasn't the slightest idea what that may be. He also feels that his father is only enabling his mother to continue on a downward spiral, rather than try and help her return to her former self.

At the Knight Academy he was closest to Ibn, Aleea and Hellboy; he held Barry West in the highest contempt (too similar to his views of his mother). His connection with Ibn is one of the main reasons he approached Trickster about the Watchmen instead of a more "public" team like the Justice League. He also believes the JLA is too much about damage control; the Watchmen want to change the world, and he wants to be there every step of the way.

Powers and Abilities

Kal is just scary. He has all the powers of his mother, to a slightly diluted degree, even so, based on power alone he is a phenomenal force for good. Couple this with the fact that in all Val Armorr's years at the Academy, only one student proved a finer pupil of the martial arts than did Kal (that would have been Shinobi) and Kal is a force to be reckoned with. His skills as a fighter, coupled with his powers as a Kryptonian are an awesome sight to behold.

As a Kryptonian, he has the standard weaknesses to Kryptonite, magic and power loss if removed from exposure to yellow solar energy.
