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Beast Girl

Name: Kathy Kane Logan
Age: 17
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
Known Relatives: Garfield Logan (Changeling, Father, deceased), Bette Kane (Flamebird, Mother), Liz Parker (GoldBird, Half-sister)
Group Affilation: Titans
Base of Operations:
D.O.B. 2003


After the death of Garfield Logan in the year 2003, Bette Kane found herself in a very uncomfortable position. She was pregnant with Logan's child, and after his death, she didn't know how she could continue on alone. Feeling the need for support, Bette turned to her close friend and former Titans West partner Charlie Parker, then the Global Guardian named Hawkman. Charlie stayed next to Bette during the remaining months of her pregnancy, helping her with every step of the necessary preparations. After the birth of Katherine, Bette and Garfield's daughter, Bette felt incredibly grateful for all of Charlie's support. This gratitude led to love, and Bette and Charlie found themselves entering into a very serious relationship.

The love between Bette and Charlie only grew with time. The two former Titans felt very happy together, and when Bette found time out of caring for Katherine, they took every opportunity to see each other. It wasn't very long before Bette found out she was pregnant once again - now with Charlie's child. The pregnancy was very unexpected, and caused some conflicts in their relationship. Charlie wasn't sure if he was ready to be a father, but still felt willing to act mature and take responsibility. He proposed to Bette, to which she accepted. Nine months later, Bette gave birth to their child - a brown haired, blue eyed little girl. Their daughter was named Elizabeth, after her mother. Unfortunately, the responsibilty of raising a child proved very damaging to the relationship. As time went on, Bette and Charlie frequently found themselves at odds with each other. After consulting numerous friends and family theripests about their problems, the couple decided to call off their engagement and end the relationship. Kathy was young enough at the time not to be emotionally scarred at all from the loss of her "father."

Kathy spent the following years raised by her mother in California, loving her family, and her home with much gusto. As a child she was set on a career in Hollywood, first as a darling for many a commercial, and later as the youngest daughter on the LDS Spondored television program My Three Moms, about a happily married polygomous family. She was the heart of the show until shortly after her thirteenth birthday.

When she was 13, Kathy's metagene, dormant until that time, kicked in. Her skin and hair became green, like the father's she never knew, almost over-night. She was dropped from the show immediately, and the whole ordeal proved so traumatic to her, that even her mother couldn't help raise her spirits. Further upset by the sudden influx of scripts asking she play evil green aliens from Mars, her spirits continued to plummet. Distraught, and knowing nothing else to help, Bette sent Kathy away to the Knight Academy, hoping it would be able to help her.

Entering as a Freshman, she was quickly a member of Young Justice as well. Her powers, the same as those her father had possessed, were easy to control. It was just like her old Private School, only with boys and super powers. Very slowly, exposure to her peers began to lift her spirits anew, and when she graduated four years later, she was almost her old self again. Turning her back on Hollywood, she chose to hop on the bandwagon when some of her fellow peers decided to restart the Titans.

Powers and Abilities

Kathy is a skilled gymnast. She's a capable disguise artist as well, drawing on her experience as a child actor. She's received the full run of Academy HS course-work and training, and is a capable combatant. Her metagene provides her with the power to change her shape into that of any living organism she can imagine.
