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Real Name: Lar Gand
Home world: Daxam
Occupation: Wanderer
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: none
Group Affiliation: Young Justice, L.E.G.I.O.N.
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

DC Heroes Stats

DEX 16 STR 24 BODY 18

Powers: Directional Hearing 8, Extended Hearing 8, Flight 13, Heat Vision 13, Invulnerability 22, Microscopic Vision 13, Sealed Systems 13, Super Breath 13, Super Hearing 8, Superspeed 13, Systemic Antidote 16, Telescopic Vision 13, Thermal Vision 13, X-Ray Vision 13 (can’t see through lead).
Skills: Scientist 4, Vehicles (Space) 5.
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Milky Way), Leadership
Drawbacks: Vulnerability (Lack of Yellow Sun radiation, affects Attributes and Powers), Vulnerability (Magic, all Attributes and Powers treated as 4 against magic), Vulnerability (Lead, Fatal, Permanent)
Wealth: 0


Lar Gand’s father, Kel Gand had always inspired him. When the combined forces of the Dominators’ Alliance attacked the Earth, Kel made the ultimate sacrifice to save it, dying of lead poisoning in Earth’s atmosphere while signalling the Daxamite fleet. This act resonated with all Daxamites. They now knew that something about Earth made them super-human but could kill them as well. Study soon showed that yellow sun radiation empowered them, but an autopsy of Kel Gand revealed that lead, an element unknown on Daxam but common elsewhere in the galaxy had irrevocably poisoned him. Very few Daxamites were willing to leave their homeworld after this revelation.

Lar Gand, however, was brave and dared to leave his world to help others. For this, he gained the codename, Valor, from his people. The youth travelled the stars in his small, modest yellow spaceship, meeting up with Vril Dox’s Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network (L.E.G.I.O.N.) and joining them for a time. Ethical differences led him to strike out on his own, leaving the L.E.G.I.O.N. and heading to Earth to see the world his father had thought worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

Unfortunately, his arrival on Earth was not without incident. Durlans staging a subterfuge mission attacked his craft forcing him to crash-land. Valor joined with the heroes he met, however, and defeated the Durlan plot. Afterward, he became a full-fledged member of Young Justice. He had many close friendships with Superboy, Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Astra and others, but it was Secret who truly stole his heart. They fell in love.

It was devastating for all of YJ when Lar contracted lead poisoning and had to be sent by Superboy to the Phantom Stasis Zone for his safety. Lar endured many hard months there until Robin (Tim Drake), driven insane with Oan energy, released and cured him.

Valor became deputy leader of Young Justice, second-in-command to the new Robin (Steph Brown), who took the mantle after Tim Drake retired. The team went on several missions together, including one to an alternate future where they met Nightstrike and brought him to their present.

After a mission to Hell, the witch-boy Klarion sent Valor, Secret and Danger Girl far off into space where they were lost with several other Earth heroes. Their quest to return to Earth took several months. During this time, Valor and Secret, scared and far from home, consummated their relationship.

When they returned to Earth, Lar was again afflicted with lead poisoning. Taking Secret with him, Valor gathered a team of heroes who were interested (for one reason or another) in leaving the Earth. His quest: to find a cure for his lead poisoning or to do the most good for the most beings before he dies!

Valor is destined to seed several worlds with humans altered in Dominator experimentation camps, and they will be referred to as “Gandian Worlds” in his honour. He will, at some point after that, be trapped again in the Phantom Zone for a thousand years until he encounters Andromeda of Kal Brande’s Legion of Super-Heroes in the year 3001.


Valor possesses all the standard Daxamite powers while energized by yellow solar energy. Presently, he does not possess the ability to travel at Faster-Than-Light speeds, though his people are destined to acquire that power in the next thousand years.

Lar is also permanently afflicted with lead poisoning until/unless a cure can be found. Like all Daxamites (and Kryptonians), he is vulnerable to magic for reasons unknown.

Lar is a student of the sciences and has strong leadership skills. He has been to many places in our galaxy for someone so young and is a fine spaceship pilot.

VALOR (3001)
Real Name: Lar Gand
Home world: Daxam
Occupation: Wanderer
Marital Status: Widower
Known Relatives: Suzie Gand (wife, deceased), Robert Gand/”Cobb” (son, deceased), Laurel Gand (Great-great-great-great-etc-grand-niece?)
Group Affiliation: Legion of Super-Heroes
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 205 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black

DC Heroes Stats

DEX 16 STR 24 BODY 18

Powers: Directional Hearing 8, Extended Hearing 8, Flight 13, Heat Vision 13, Hyperflight 33 (usable only in space), Invulnerability 22, Microscopic Vision 13, Sealed Systems 13, Super Breath 13, Super Hearing 8, Superspeed 13, Systemic Antidote 16, Telescopic Vision 13, Thermal Vision 13, X-Ray Vision 13 (can’t see through lead).
Skills: Scientist 4, Vehicles (Space) 5.
Advantages: Area Knowledge (Milky Way), Cure for Lead Poisoning, Leadership, Scholar (History)
Drawbacks: Public Identity (Worshipped as a god on several Gandian worlds), Traumatic Flashbacks (Millenium in the Phantom Zone), Vulnerability (Lack of Yellow Sun radiation, affects Attributes and Powers), Vulnerability (Magic, all Attributes and Powers treated as 4 against magic), Vulnerability (Lead, Fatal, Permanent, cancelled for as long as serum is taken)
Wealth: 0


Lar Gand’s father, Kel Gand had always inspired him. When the combined forces of the Dominators’ Alliance attacked the Earth, Kel made the ultimate sacrifice to save it, dying of lead poisoning in Earth’s atmosphere while signalling the Daxamite fleet. This act resonated with all Daxamites. They now knew that something about Earth made them super-human but could kill them as well. Study soon showed that yellow sun radiation empowered them, but an autopsy of Kel Gand revealed that lead, an element unknown on Daxam but common elsewhere in the galaxy had irrevocably poisoned him. Very few Daxamites were willing to leave their homeworld after this revelation.

Lar Gand, however, was brave and dared to leave his world to help others. For this, he gained the codename, Valor, from his people. The youth travelled the stars in his small, modest yellow spaceship, meeting up with Vril Dox’s Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network (L.E.G.I.O.N.) and joining them for a time. Ethical differences led him to strike out on his own, leaving the L.E.G.I.O.N. and heading to Earth to see the world his father had thought worthy of the ultimate sacrifice.

Unfortunately, his arrival on Earth was not without incident. Durlans staging a subterfuge mission attacked his craft forcing him to crash-land. Valor joined with the heroes he met, however, and defeated the Durlan plot. Afterward, he became a full-fledged member of Young Justice. He had many close friendships with Superboy, Wonder Girl, Spoiler, Astra and others, but it was Secret who truly stole his heart. They fell in love.

It was devastating for all of YJ when Lar contracted lead poisoning and had to be sent by Superboy to the Phantom Stasis Zone for his safety. Lar endured many hard months there until Robin (Tim Drake), driven insane with Oan energy, released and cured him.

Valor became deputy leader of Young Justice, second-in-command to the new Robin (Steph Brown), who took the mantle after Tim Drake retired. The team went on several missions together, including one to an alternate future where they met Nightstrike and brought him to their present.

After a mission to Hell, the witch-boy Klarion sent Valor, Secret and Danger Girl far off into space where they were lost with several other Earth heroes. Their quest to return to Earth took several months. During this time, Valor and Secret, scared and far from home, consummated their relationship.

When they returned to Earth, Lar was again afflicted with lead poisoning. Taking Secret with him, Valor gathered a team of heroes who were interested (for one reason or another) in leaving the Earth. His quest: to find a cure for his lead poisoning or to do the most good for the most beings before he dies! On this quest, Valor seeded several worlds with humans altered in Dominator experimentation camps, and they became known as “Gandian Worlds” in his honour.

After that, he was trapped again in the Phantom Zone, where he and Secret lived for several years as husband and wife and had a son, Robert. Secret was tragically killed in the Magic War of 2013 and Lar sent Robert to school at the Knight Academy, where he eventually joined the school team, Young Justice, under the code-name Mystery, starting in 2020.

After the death of his wife, Lar remained alone in the Phantom Zone for almost a thousand years until he encountered Andromeda of Kal Brande’s Legion of Super-Heroes in the year 3001.


Valor possesses all the standard Daxamite powers while energized by yellow solar energy. He gained the ability to travel at Faster-Than-Light speeds from a Dominator experiment in 2001.

Lar was permanently afflicted with lead poisoning until the cure was found. Like all Daxamites (and Kryptonians), he is vulnerable to magic for reasons unknown.

Lar is a student of the sciences and has strong leadership skills. He has been to many places in our galaxy and has seen many, many things in his thousand years in the Phantom Zone. He was a fine spaceship pilot and it will likely all come back to him once he can fly one again.
