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Real Name: Lar Lax
Known Relatives: Paeryl Lax (Danger Girl, Mother), Guy Gardner (Father), Shikari (Mother #2), Darkseid (Grandfather, believed deceased), Orion (Uncle, deceased), Kalibak (Uncle), Grayven (Uncle), Jordan Gardenia Lax (Death Girl, Sister), Winifred Lax (Fab 5 Freddie, Sister), Stewart Gardner (Danger Dude, Half-Brother), Tora Gardner (Warrior, Half-Sister), Timm Lax (Dark Racer, Half-brother)
Age: 16
Eyes: Omega Beam Red
Hair: Blond

Dare Devil is the only son of both Guy and Danger Woman. From the time he could walk much like his other siblings, he was honed into an expert fighter. But even from the beginning it seemed that Lar was different.

While in a heated sparring match with his mother, Lar had perfected a move she was trying to teach him for about a month. The problem was after the flip was done successfully, Lar unleashed a searing blast of energy direct from his eyes. So much so that in the time the blast hit something to the time he closed his eyes, his blast went through four walls.
Unfortunately for Lar, the blast was at such a high magnitude it somewhat damaged his eyes, not allowing any control over the omega beams anymore. It was then he was given a Motherbox, and he has been able to see ever since, though it’s apparent that Motherbox is holding back the beams just barely as it always looks like Lar is about to vaporize someone.

Lar also went through a few more creative sparring matches than his siblings did (His mother wished to see how well he could fight blind), and is only better for wear. He loves spending time with either of his mothers: Danger Woman or Shikari as they both keep him fighting on his toes. Just recently his father informed him of Superman’s legion and wanting to see what he could do off of Apokolips; he went with him to prove himself.

Like his other Siblings, Lar has a Mother-box and knows how to use it.

His skills in hand-to-hand combat are also excellent being he was trained from when he could walk.

From his father, he has received some invulnerability, and toxins rarely have an effect on him.

He needs to eat, sleep and drink but he is fine in space vacuums. But his Strength is a lot more than his siblings, and his acrobatic skills are second only to his mother if any.

As a scion of Darkseid, he has a small measure of his omni-power: he can fire Omega Beams from his eyes, (somewhat stronger than his siblings) the beams can be used as a destructive force, a healing force or a force for dimensional transportation.
