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Name: Lian Harper, Princess of Markovia
Alias: Archer
Relatives: Roy Harper Sr. (grandfather, deceased), Brave Bow ("grandfather," deceased), Roy Harper Jr. (Arsenal, prince of Markovia,father), Cheshire (princess, mother), Biri Harper (Mockingbird, stepmother, deceased), Roxanne Spaulding Harper (Freefall, stepmother, deceased), Tara Markov Harper (Terra, princess, stepmother, deceased), Donna Troy Harper (Wonder Woman, princess, stepmother, deceased), Brion Markov (Geo Force, King of Markovia, uncle), Denise Markov (queen, aunt), Robin Garth Harper (Morph, prince, half-brother), Hippolyta Sioux Harper (princess, half-sister), Quinn Harper (prince, half-brother), Richard Wallace Harper (prince, half-brother), Tara Harper (princess, half-sister), Brionna Harper (princess, half-sister), Amber Harper (princess, half-sister), Kyle Theodore Harper (prince, half-brother), Takeninfu Harper (princess, brother), Brion Markov (crown prince, cousin), Kalen Markov (prince, cousin)
Group Affliation: JLA
Base of Operations: San Francisco
D.O.B. 1997


Lian Harper was raised by her father. When he married Black Canary (actually Mockingbird impersonating Black Canary), she was very happy to have her favorite aunt as her stepmother. She wasn't too sure what to think when she found out that her favorite aunt wasn't who she'd said she was and hadn't been for years. So when Dinah returned, there was no way Lian could help but spend time with her, no matter what Dinah wanted. After all, now Lian had a stepmother who, despite being a liar, treated her well and obviously loved her, and still got to have her favorite aunt!

While Biri avoided Dinah and Ollie as much as possible up until she was murdered by another Durlan, Lian had no such qualms. Lian spent quite a bit of time with Dinah and Ollie and Olivia, moreso than anyone else in the Harper family.

When the Theodore Knight Academy was established, a year after Biri died, about the time Roy married Roxy, Lian enrolled and threw herself into her studies and making friends, especially with Aleea Strange. She knew she wanted to be a hero, having seen how much damage Chesire did as a villain, as well as how much pain Biri had caused by impersonating Dinah.

Lian didn't really bond with Roxy, as Roxy was quite different from any other hero she knew, and Roxy was murdered by Percival Chang in 2008. In 2009, Roy married Tara Markov. In 2010, with polygamy now legal, Roy married Donna Troy, who was Lian's favorite step-mother, having been such a fun babysitter during Roy's time with the Titans. In 2012, Cheshire went to prison for her many crimes against humanity.

In 2015, Lian graduated from the Knight Academy. This was also the year Tara was murdered by vampires. In 2016, Lian replaced Roy on the JLA and Donna was murdered by the Cult of Brother Blood. Later that year, Cheshire was paroled, having reformed and converted to Mormonism. Roy spent the next two years pursuing her, and finally, in 2018, Cheshire and Roy married; a year later, they had a son. That year was also the year Batman disbanded the League after the disaster that took Aquaman's life.

In 2020, Superman reformed the JLA, and Lian jumped at the chance to work with her old friends again.

Powers and Abilities

Lian has a natural talent with all weapons, honed by many hours of practice with her father and at the Reservation. She learned martial arts from the Knight Academy and from her Auntie Dinah and Uncle Ollie.
