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Real Name: Logan Patrick Crosby
Occupation: Exchange student at the Theodore Knight Academy
Base of Operations: Currently Opal City, normally Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Gordon Crosby (aka the Mountie, father), Clare Crosby (mother), Fraser Crosby (aka Dodge, brother)
Group Affiliation: Miscreants
Height: 5"9
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 14
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
D.O.B. September 17, 2007


In 2000, in an effort to create a Canadian superhuman response team, Captain Gordon Crosby of the RCMP, found himself an unwitting member of Project Dominion, a rather underhanded government sponsored project wherein likely candidates were identified as being ‘groomed’ to be superheroes. Basically, through psychological testing and such, a handful of people across the country were selected to be the beneficiaries of the Canadian government’s knowledge on the creation of superheroes. Crosby received a type of super-soldier serum that gave him superstrength, enhanced reflexes, great durability and even a slight healing factor.

Crosby became a founding member and leader of Canada’s premier superteam, the Maple League.

In 2001, he met Clare Arkett, the CBC reporter who’d been assigned to cover all things Maple League, and the two immediately hit it off. They hid their relationship from the (other) media for a couple years, and then made it public by marrying in 2003. Fraser, their first son, was born three years later, followed the next year by Logan.

Growing up the son of the most famous superhero in Canada meant that Logan was pretty much always in the limelight, right from when he was born. He has borne the attention with good humour and good humility.

Powers and Abilities

Logan has the ability to instantly replicate the physical movement of peak-level humans. Using these "photographic reflexes," he can replicate nearly any type of human movement, including various fighting forms, weapon training and athletic ability. In combat with an opponent, this also means that once Logan has copied his opponents physical movements, Logan becomes much more adept at predicting that opponent’s subsequent moves.


In contrast to his brother’s quiet and rather serious personality, Logan is a bit of a charming, brashly friendly ruffian, always willing to speak his mind, be a little obnoxious, and then sweetly and sincerely apologize for any hurt feelings he may have caused.
