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Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Unknown
Known Relatives: None Known
Group Affilation: Titans
Base of Operations: Metropolis
D.O.B. Unknown


Almost nothing is known about the present Manhunter. What is known is that he or she was recommended to the Titans by the original Nightwing and Metal Man of the JSA, regardless of the fact he or she continues to keep everything about themselves private from their teammates. Manhunter has proven themself reliable, trustworthy and capable time and time again, though he or she continues to remain emotionally distant from the other Titans.

Powers and Abilities

It isn't known if Manhunter possesses any metahuman powers, nor is it known where he/she received their training.

Manhunter is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant and over-all athlete. Manhunter has a wide arsenal of weapons and gadgets to assist him/her in the war on crime. Manhunter's helmet is arrayed with visual and audio enhancement devices, 45 minutes of air storage/generation, and aneural-inhibitor which protects Manhunter from mind probing and telepathis mind scans (Manhunter is not protected from mental attacks, but is only protected from having his/her thoughts read).
