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Real Name: Magnus Aidan Caspen
Occupation: Student
Base of Operations:Opal City
Marital Satus: Single
Known relatives: Denise Caspen(mother), John Caspen(father)
Group Affiliation: Young Justice
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 150LBS
Age: 15
Eyes: Dark mossy Emerald
Gender: Male
Hair: Brown
D.O.B.: Feburary 5th 2006


Born on February 5 2006 to Denise and John Caspen, he was a healthy and happy baby boy. His first 6 months saw him grow and become happy. However when he was 6 months his health took a sudden turn. He started to become sickly and it was found that he had an allergy to iron. His parents spent a fortune on making sure that anything he could touch in the suite they lived in was not iron.

After a few years and the lessening of the allergy they went back to work and hired a nanny to take care of him when they were away. Which was often, his father was an investment banker, and his mother was a real estate agent for a very prestigious firm. He saw his mother more than his father as she would always come back to the house after work, and would share dinner with him. However she never really felt like his mother, his nanny, Claire felt more like a mother to him than she did.

When he started going to school he started to have some problems. His allergy meant he had to stay away from most of the playground equipment as well as be careful at lunch, for fear he would brush his arm against the metal lunch counter. There were of course several incidents, and he was admonished by his parents for being so clumsy. He had few friends but the few he had were very close. One especially, his name Devon, was his best friend, and they would get into some mischief.

Middle school turned out a bit better; he and Devon made a swath through although Devon generally lead and Magnus followed. Right up until Devon was hit by a truck. They were walking toward the library. Devon was giving Magnus hell for wanting to go to the library on a Saturday and stepped out into the street just as a mac truck sped through the intersection. This unhinged him slightly as he had just seen his best friend die in front of his eyes, and he felt something, a detachment. Almost like he should have expected it. That night while he was home and trying to deal with what had happened there was a massive thunder storm. He had his window open because he enjoyed the sound and power of storms like those. When out of nowhere a giant black bird the size of a small dog flew and crashed into his dresser. It lay there trying to flap and gain lift, but couldn't manage. Getting closer Magnus could see that the birds wing was broken. As he got closer the animal looked at him. It was eerie it looked at him, and almost seemed to look past him and into him at the same time. When the bird looked away it seemed to relax and not struggle to much, fearing the animal was dying he immediately went to it to try and help it, as he got close he could see where the wing was broken, and gently tried to set it, the bird reacted quickly and bit him once, just hard enough to draw blood. Then the bird subsided, and allowed him to set the bone, he carefully wrapped it and for the next month or so took care of the bird; Claire knew about it, but didn't bother to tell his parents, they would have simply call animal control to take it away, and the way Claire looked at it, it was helping Magnus get over the loss of his friend.

What was unexpected however was the fact that after the bird had healed he stayed around the tower that Magnus lived in. It even went so far as to perch on his shoulder and keep him company. This was especially good as his parents were going through a bad phase in their marriage. They ended up getting a divorce, and as neither had the time to spend taking care of Magnus he was sent off to a private boarding school. Soon after he arrived he ran away and was soon found. His mother, who had custody of him, decided to send him the the Theodore Knight Academy. Known for their understanding and the fact that they were still based in Opal City, he was sent there; as for living arrangements he was set up with a small apartment in a building owned by the real estate company his mother worked for. Being by himself has been good for him and the bird which he learned was a rook (which was odd as they wern't native to the area) which he named Devon, found his new apartment and moved in on the roof much to the chagrin of the pigeons in the area.

Powers and Abilities:

Powers include minor Glamour, changing his face, body type, gender, and so on; an affinity for animals of all kinds; and some ranged blasts the he can use to either put people to sleep or to stun them.


The most dramatic weakness Magnus has is a allergy to iron, and iron alloys. If he even so much as brushes up against something made of iron, or steel, he breaks out in hives and skin irritants. In severe cases which are become more frequent it actually burns him like a chemical burn.

As well he has found over time that he can not lie. He can skirt the truth (and has become adept at this) but he can not tell someone something he knows to not be true.


Magnus tends to be withdrawn often, and somewhat shy, especially after losing his friend. He is bookwormish, and very good at talking if you can get him to do so in the first place. Leery around people he dosen't know, however if you manage to befriend him he is a great friend.


Not really a piece of equipment or pet so much as a friend, his rook Devon is not native to this area but still seems to be right at home.
