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Alias: Marion (insert correct last name)
Occupation: Thief/Spy
Height: 5'5" Weight: 100lbs
Hair: pink Eyes: green


Marion has the misfortune of being the daughter of Punch and Jewlee, two rather psychotic individuals. This affected her quite a bit as she was growing up. Being around people with often times twisted sense of humors, she grew up sharing such a macabre humor as well. She's a natural comedian, and practical joker.

Her mother was completely over-bearing, while her father tended to just beat, or abuse her. Her father used her due to her age, and her mother groomed her in her likeness. She had a very half-assed education. She learned mostly from her father how to hot-wire cars, and con people. From her mother she inherited a knack for creating gadgets and devices.

With this kind of background it is only natural that she too would follow a life of crime. Being around costumed people all her life, she too took up a guise of a marionette, since it so closely resembled her own name. She devised a costume, and a score of gadgets that would put her on the board as "Marionette."

Recently, Marionette came in contact with Anarky, who had taken over Ra's Al Ghul's empire. Anarky, obsessed with saving the world from it's self, convinced Marionette to help him in his crusade. On her first mission for the "Greater Good" Anarky sent her to steal a nanotech computer from a STAR labs in Michagan, just south of the Detroit. Marionette suceeded in getting the small drive that contained the mini computer, but encountered the Outsiders on their first new mission. She fled into Detroit, where the worst situation would happen...


She devised quite a few little "staple" gadgets that she tends to keep around for more than one shot uses. Amongst these is her scepter. It's about 2' long. It is crowned by a large polished round ruby at the top, with many different types of jewels adorning it. All these jewels can be taken off and used in a similar manner as her mother. It also can be used as a make-shift rocket that she can ride similar to Blue Devil's Trident. If spun around in a circle very quickly, the polished ruby will seperate and is connected by a chain of energy, and can be used like a morning star. Last, but not least, it has a very potent laughing gas that is emitted by a needle that pops out. It is no way related to the laughint gas used by the Joker.

Next, she has a satchel that houses her gadgets, and parts to make many more in a short amount of time. She also has a thing for coins. The coins she sharpens into throwing weapons.


Marion is a sarcastic, opinionated, self-centered young woman. With how she was raised, this is the best anyone can hope for. She can be very quiet, calm and resevered, then break into uncontrollable giggling, and acts of ventriloquism.

She isn't quite manic depressive, but borders on the edge. This affects her in many ways: one minute she's her normal sarcastic self, then she'll swing over to being pessimistic and self-descructive. She can usually control this, but not always.

She is also quite gifted with her ability to come up with original and unique gadgets. They may at times seem completely useless, but she always finds a way to make them usefull. Where as her parents were rather dull witted idiots, she seems to have gained a trait from an uncle or aunt, and is rather intelligent. This manifests itself in many ways, with her gadgets, with her wit, and then with her straight out intelligence. She's no rocket scientist, but is rather gifted in the brains department.

Not quite a normal thief, she tends to go after targets of immoral dispositions. Kind of like Robin Hood in her means.


Marion is a semi-attactive woman. She is slender due to her acrobatic training, and street fighting skills. She looks quite literally like a marionette, with pasty makeup, and an outfit to match.

She takes offense to being called a Joker/Harley Quinn clone.
