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Name: Natasha Irons
Age: 35
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Known Relatives: Bessemer Irons (Grandfather) - Deceased, Grandma Park (Grandmother) - Deceased, Clayton Irons (Uncle), Steven Irons (Father) - Deceased, Jemahl Irons (Brother), John Henry Irons (Steel, Uncle), Tyke Irons (Brother), Darlene Irons (Sister), Paco Irons (Brother), and Blondell Irons (Mother), Jon Claridjna (Green Lantern, God-cousin).
Group Affilation: Watchmen
Base of Operations: Watchmen Satellite
D.O.B. 1985


Natasha is the niece and ward of her uncle John Henry Irons, known better to the public as the hero Steel. When she was 16, while walking and eating ice cream with her friend "Boris" she saw a young child chasing a ball into the street. An armored bank car was going to crash into the child. Selflessly, Nat jumped into the path and shoved the child to safety. Her heroics would have cost her her life had her uncle NOT been who he is.

Using a lot of spare parts, Steel and Sensor Boy put Nat together again.

While her cybernetics were designed to merely make it so she could rejoin humanity and live a normal life, neither her uncle nor his ward could resist making her a little better than human, and tenacious as Nat was, she couldn't resist capitalizing upon that by joining the super-hero game whenever she could sneak out. Over the next few years she had quite a few adventures with other heroes, especially Young Justice and The Titans, never knowing that Steel and Jon were ever keeping a watchful eye upon her.

Later, when Steel merged parts of Justice League's "Task Force" team with the remainder of the original Watchmen, she joined him in recreating the group into the new Watchmen.

Powers and Abilities

Super strength and stamina, flight, an array of weaponry, equipment and sensors, jet boots... and she knows how to use them.
