Real Name: Olivia Dinah Queen
Known relatives: Dinah Drake Lance (grandmother,
deceased) Oliver Queen (father), Dinah Laurel Lance
(mother), Hal Jordan (Godfather), Hal Queen (brother)
Base of Operations: San Francisco
Group Afflitian: JLA
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Age: 18
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
D.O.B. 2002
Olivia grew up under Ollie and Dinah's watchful eyes.
When she was younger, she spent a great amount of time
with Lian Harper, and she wanted badly to go to the
Knight Academy like Lian did. Ollie, however, had
other ideas.
Olivia went to public school because Ollie wanted to
ensure that she wouldn't become disconnected from
those less fortunate. Her education was supplemented
by visits to other cities, where she met and trained
with other heroes. At least a couple times a month,
she ended up in Opal City training with Oracle. While
there, she'd visit with Lian and the Knights, and even
occasionally attend Knight Academy functions. Lian
also came to visit for at least a week or two every
summer, and the Harpers started spending part of each
winter break with the Queens after Biri's death.
When Superman reformed the JLA, Lian suggested Olivia
for the job. Olivia gladly accepted, following in the
traditions of her parents.
Powers and Abilities
Olivia inherited her mother's sonic cry and was taught
archery by her father. She learned many different
fighting styles from various American heroes, as well
as basic detective skills and strategy.