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CHUCK TAINE'S JOURNAL (translated from Interlac)

Hi, um I decided to keep a journal because I thought it might help keep my head together after all that's happened to me lately. I've seen so much death over the last few days. First Jenni exploded, then I accidentally decapitated that evil other dimensional Superboy, then Nura was fried by that evil Jo's heat vision and I...I murdered him in revenge. Then the Brainy robot exploded and sent me here to Detroit. That Army guy and Super Buff say that I killed a bunch of people right after I arived here, but I don't remember doing it. I guess the explosion sent me bouncing around and I crushed's not like I did it on purpose like when I killed Jo.

Anyways, I arrived in Detroit and met Sgt. Rock, Super Buff and Jeffery Young. Everyone calls Super Buff and Jeffery Young Mormons, but I'm not sure what Mormons are. I guess they're from the planet Morma, but I've never heard of it. I guess Morma could be an earth country, I never much payed attention in ancient earth geography class. Anyways after I met them some other guys show up. They call themselves the Outsiders. That was the name of a team that I hung around with for a bit when I was trapped in the 20th Century a while back, I wonder if there's any connection. Anyways these Outsiders are lead by this woman named Random who seems to have the ability to change into male super-heroes. She's been pretty nice to me and invited me to join the team.

One person who isn't nice is Marionette. She's made several cracks about my appearance and split from the team and come back several times. I think she's gone for good, but who knows for sure. Not long after I met the team, Morph (a shapeshifter) accidentally took the form of Nura. I think he had somehow lost control of his shapeshifting powers. I kinda freeked out when I saw him looking like Nura, I thought that somehow Nura had come back to life. Unfortunatly that's not possible, I wish that it was.

So anyways then we got in a fight with a bunch of bad guys, one of them mentally controlled me into fighting Jolt, who is one of the Outsiders. I broke one of her ribs unfortunatly. I felt real bad about it once I was free from the control of the bad guy, I think his name was Sin or something. I guess the bad guys took off after fighting us for a little while. Then we went into the sewers to try to get out of the area of the city we were in (which was all distorted, did I forget to mention that?).

Once we were down in the sewers a god named Coyote showed up and offered to heal Jolt. She agreed and they went into his "wigwam" which was like a tent flap in the wall of the sewer. Random went in there to make sure Coyote was on the up and up. About a half an hour later they all came out of the hole in the wall, and Jolt was healed. I think the healing process had something to do with sex, but I didn't ask since that's a personal matter.

When we finally got out of the sewer we found a place to stay and settled down for the night. That's when I found a pen and paper and started writing in this journal. I'm pretty sure no one will be able to read it since I'm writing in Interlac and I don't think anyone here speaks it. Well I think I'm going to sleep, especially since I haven't had much sleep in the last few days. I'll probably write more in this journal tomorrow.