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Name: Pascual Godard
Age: 43
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Known Relatives: Phillipe Godard (father), Catherine Godard (mother)
Group Affiliations: former trench coat brigade, Outsiders
Base of Operations: mobile
D.O.B. 1977


Pascual Godard was born in Quebec but grew up in the suburbs of Toronto. He was born with a mild autism which he was eventually he was able to overcome. Left secretive and reserved he inherited an extremely sharp almost eidetic memory. He also suffers from a light case of synesthesia. That is he has sensation or image of a sense (as of color) other than the one (as of sound) being stimulated. Again an impairment he overcame. As high school ended, he was an introverted and reticent though good natured young man.

A natural in the arcane as a young adult met his first teacher. After high school that teacher recommended he further his training abroad. He lived in France for several years studying magic under several masters. He attended University at Paris ostensibly to study ancient civilization and languages but in fact was part of a cabal. As part of his cover he shared a room in the dorms. Michel Pastoreau became Pascual's first and truest friend. Michel had a spirit and energy unparalleled in most people. He was simply alive and he rubbed off on Pascual. He pulled him out of his shell and even brought him into his small rock band. Pascual played bass guitar for Michel who played lead and vocals. Those were by far the happiest years of Pascual's life. Pascual was so sure that Michel might be enlightened he tested to see if he had past lives, ESP, etc. but in fact he was simply a great person. They parted ways at the end of college and Pascual became a full mage.

As a wizard Pascual became known as the Artificer. He was classically trained as a general mage. But he excelled in the use and creation of magical items. He could only make minor charms and items and longed to study and even one day create true artifacts. As an relic hunter he began furious research and tracked down several ancient items amongst other bobbles: The cloak of Childeric, sands of time, the coldstar and finally his greatest find... the soulstone. The cloak granted flight, the sands grant sense of one hour past, the coldstar was a stone that created true white light and the soulstone creates a beam that wounds evil and can trap and manipulate spirits. The research to find these items were elaborate and in doing so he found spells and research. One of these spells allowed an ancient user to trap his soul in the soulstone and live forever.

When John Constantine began gathering the mystical community to stop Tim Hunter, Pascual reluctantly joined him. The battle got completely out of hand, and countless lives were lost on both sides. Pascual was no exception, accidentally dying at the hands of John Constantine. Though his mortal form died, he had managed to project his soul out of his body. Using the soulstone, he was able to reanimate his body and store his soul. The process was immensely traumatic, both physically and spiritually. So long as he remains in his former body he is, after a fashion, alive. He is completely cut off from his magic, though he retains his intellectual understanding of how it is performed and works. There were other changes, his senses were dulled and his emotions became distant. To most people Pascual, now Soulstone, comes across robotic. He is driven now only by distant memories of what he once believed in, though he can't really remember why he felt them. Many people don't even realize that Soulstone has any relation to Pascual and many (even knowing they are the same) consider Pascual to be dead.

Leaving his past behind him acts out a kind of penitence by joining the Outsiders. He hopes to one day restore his life. Then he will collect of his artifacts (which he can't empower in his undead form) and once again become the artificer. In his mind he still recalls an item he heard of that can increase it's users intelligence beyond mortal thoughts. With it he could understand and create new artifacts. This pipe dream and his memories spur him on in his unending night.

Powers and Abilities

Soulstone has a complete understanding of magic and was once a part of that community. His only remaining power is an ability to sense the presence of magic. Living in an animated corps he is resistant to heat and cold, he doesn't eat, sleep, feel pain or get tired. Psionics and many magics don't work on him for his mind and body are dead. He is cut off from his emotions, and reacts only to his reason and memories. Soulstone's body is more resilient and stronger than a mortal's but it can still be wounded. However it magically restores any damage that is done to him. Even if limbs, organs, eyes etc. are removed they continue to live on and are under Soulstone's control. Thus he has an almost complete control of his body. He also can emit a soul blast from the soulstone in his chest.


Once a jovial though secretive man, Pascual is now stoic and cold. His friends don't even consider them to be the same person, and the magic community know that his powers are gone and there is little reason for him to live. He only remembers how much his former self wanted to live, enjoy life and learn magic. That memory, though not felt, drives Soulstone on. He wants to find a way to become Pascual again.
