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Name: Paul
Home World: Earth
Occupation: Unemployed, Legionnaire
Marital Status: Asexual
Known Relatives: Earth Elementals
Group Affiliations: Parliament of Stones, Legion of Super-Heroes, Former Leymen, Outsider
Height: Variable from 5'9 to 7' or greater
Weight: Many ton
Eyes: None
Hair: None


A Golem is an automaton made of earth, mud and clay in the form of a human being. The Golem is granted life during periods of great need for the Jewish people. During WWII a group of Jewish mages created Golem to fight in WWII. They had however summoned and bound an earth elemental who served and protected them. From the time of his conception there is nothing more than Golem wanted than to be human. But the mages feared his mind too primitive and worked to create a new defender: The superhero later known as Ragman. Eventually the two met in Ragman's hometown of Louisiana where the were brought into confrontation. The mages magic could no longer support both. The Golem's forehead was wipped clean and he disappeared.

However the Parliament of Stones that had sent the earth spirit in those dire times allowed Golem to once again walk the earth. He reappeared in the bayous of Louisiana where he was adopted by a kind hearted woman named Jean Lizotte. When she was murdered the police blamed Golem. Though innocent he fled into Manchac Swamp where he was shot by heavy artillery fire. He disappeared into the earth and reappeared in the headquarters of the Leymen. For a time the Leymen fought the enemies of nature together. Many of those same superheroes later became part of the Outsiders. During this period of time Golem took the name of Paul and with his friends and his freedom his new sense of self grew.

Eventually the team disbanded and Golem tried his best to join modern society. His memory returned and his ties to Earth magic deepened. Golem is ready for a new challenge.

Powers & Skills

Golem has super strength and endurance. He is made of rock and earth thus further making him difficult to injure. Water can temporarily dissolve him, but he can reform. Lately he has developed two forms, one a man sized human (though statue like) called Paul and his fighting form which is the more well known hulking behemoth. He has other earth elemental energies who's limits are still unknown but include: Earth melding and earth travel.
