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Real Name: Peter Drake
Known Relatives: Timothy Drake (Robin III, father), Stephanie Drake (Robin IV, mother), Jaqueline Drake (sister), Jack Drake (grandfather), Janet Drake (grandmother, deceased), Agnes Brown (grandmother), Arthur Brown (Cluemaster, grandfather), Unnamed Half-sister.
Base of Operations: Opal City
Occupation: Student and part-time troublemaker
Group Affiliation: the Miscreants
Height: 5'7
Weight: 128 lbs
Age: 14
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
D.O.B. January 1, 2007

In late 2006, when Steph discovered that she was pregnant, she and Tim were overjoyed. They had always worried that the baby Steph had had difficulties in delivering when she was 15 had made it impossible for Steph to get pregnant again. After a fairly easy labour and delivery, Peter Drake came into the world in August, 2007.

His arrival into the world would be one of the few things that was easy about Peter. Tim and Steph quickly discovered they had an extremely obstinate child on their hands. Right from the start, Peter insisted on doing things his own way, and in his own time. It was frequently a battle of wills in the Drake household. Three years after Peter was born, his sister Jaqueline arrived. Peter tormented his younger sibling from day one, until she was old enough to fight back, which she quickly did. This just caused Peter to figure out more sneaky ways in which to torment Jack.

As soon as he was old enough, Peter was enrolled in the Theodore Knight Academy, as his parents hoped that he would learn some discipline there. Peter can be a good student, a superior student even, but he is very disruptive in class. He is a frequent guest at Principal Hawkins office.

At the age of eight, Peter discovered the 'family secret' (which isn't really a secret, just something that his mother doesn't like to talk about much), that his grandfather, Arthur Brown, was a costumed criminal who called himself the Cluemaster. Peter was instantly intreguied. He'd never really found his parent's costumed careers interesting (partly because the hero business was such a big part of his life, what with his parents' best friends and such being heroes themselves), and so threw himself into researching his grandfather's exploits. He even went so far as to contact his grandfather (who was currently in jail). Arthur Brown gladly talked to the boy, but when Steph found out about this communication, she got very angry and forbid Peter to ever contact his grandfather again. Peter resented this a great deal.

At the Knight Academy, Peter found some kindered spirits in some other troublesome students, such as: Kathryn Kyle (the Kitten), Jack Chambers (Jack B. Quick) and Lisa Snart (Frostbite). These four formed the nucleus of a group that they later dubbed the Miscreants. Peter, totally rejecting his family's Robin heritage, took the codename Hunter for himself. The main purpose of the group is to commit petty crimes that they know would peeve their parents off to no end.

Take Stephanie's stubbornness and Tim's broodiness, multiply that by about ten, and you have Peter Drake. Somehow, Peter seems to have inherited all the worst personality traits of his parents. He has very little respect for authority and always has the right answer as only a 14 year old boy can. He has been in a state of rebellion since practically birth. However, when Peter does find someone he likes, he is a very loyal friend and will do almost anything for his friends.

Peter Drake possesses no superhuman powers, but he is gaining the benefits of an education from the Theodore Knight Academy. He has shown quite an aptitude for some forms of martial arts (the harder ones, not the softer ones), and is quickly surpassing the detective his father is, which contributes heavily to his inflated sense of smug superiority. Peter does find computers fascinating, but after his first successful attempt at hacking into the Batcomputer, his computer time has been severely limited and monitored.
