Real Name: Dr. Pietr Anton Cross
Occupation: Crime-fighter (former physician)
Base of operations: Portsmouth City
Marital Status: Single
Ht: 5'10"
Wt: 175 lbs
eyes: blue
Hair: black
A prodigy who obtained his medical degree while
still in his teens, Pietr Cross was a gifted surgeon
whose work within the system led him outside of
established medical circles. As the "Midnight Doctor",
Pietr used his great wealth, talent, and formidable
network of contacts to provide healthcare for a wide
range of patients whom orthodox medicine had failed.
While investigating the influx of a new and
dangerous mutagenic steroid, Dr. Cross was
surreptitiously given the drug, which interacted with
other chemicals in the doctor's bloodstream.
When an explosion robbed him of his eyesight, Dr.
Cross found that the chemicals in his systemstill
allowed his eyes to see in the infrared spectrum.
Special goggles of his own creation augmented his
remaining sight to the visible spectrum.
Borrowing the identity of a blind costumed
adventurer from the 40's, the new "Doctor Mid-Nite"
has dedicated himself to protecting the downtrodden of
his city from a continuing series of deadly schemes by
the insidious Praeda Industries.
(Pietr has sworn to uphold the noble tradition of
the original Doctor Mid-Nite.)
carries a variety of medical equipment, and
pharmesuedicals. not adverse to using drugs on
himself, to boost strength, or to not feel pain:
morphine and such. Has used truth serums and
sleep-inducing meds, on his targets. (Injects them
with needles.) Uses blackout bombs as well.