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Dr. Midnight

Real Name: Dr. Pietr Anton Cross
Occupation: Crime-fighter, avant-garde medical researcher and physician
Base of Operations: Varied (Resident of Portsmouth City)
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, graying at temples


A prodigy who obtained his medical degree while still in his teens, Pietr Cross was a gifted surgeon whose work within the system led him outside of established medical circles. As the "Midnight Doctor", Pietr used his great wealth, talent, and formidable network of contacts to provide healthcare for a wide range of patients whom orthodox medicine had failed.

While investigating the influx of a new and dangerous mutagenic steroid, Dr. Cross was surreptitiously given the drug, which interacted with other chemicals in the doctor's bloodstream. When an explosion robbed him of his eyesight, Dr. Cross found that the chemicals in his system still allowed his eyes to see in the infrared spectrum. Special goggles of his own creation augmented his remaining sight to the visible spectrum.

Borrowing the identity of a blind costumed adventurer from the 40's, the new "Doctor Mid-Nite" dedicated himself to protecting the downtrodden of his city from a continuing series of deadly schemes by the insidious Praeda Industries.

Around the turn of the millennium, Dr. Mid-nite joined the Justice Society and despite some initial difficulties adjusting to the team, soon became a steady member serving through a variety of cases and crises. Mid-nite's experience with the JSA helped to define him as a hero and he remained a loyal compatriot and friend to fellow teammates over the years.


In 2007, Cross took a leave of absence from the team to deal with personal affairs and take a rest from crime-fighting while focusing on his medical career. During this time he debated whether or not the superhero lifestyle was one that he wished to continue pursuing or whether practicing his medical skills would be of greater use to the world and his own personal happiness. Before reaching a clear decision on this dilemma, he found himself propelled back into the role of Dr. Mid-nite by events in Portsmouth City. A series of bizarre murders baffling the local authorities led him to take to the streets again and uncover the culprit, a murderous meta-human by the name of Nebulon (Nebulon later took the name of the Cloud (II), an old foe of the original Dr. Mid-nite, in honor of his vendetta against the hero. He returned several times to plague Mid-nite in the future. Cloud II is currently thought to be deceased however). This period also saw the collapse of Praeda Industries, partly through a joint effort by Mid-nite and Green Arrow I to shutdown the activities of the corrupt corporation.

In 2008, still on leave, Dr. Mid-nite was asked to assist a scientific exploration team led by aged spelunker Cave Carson into a strange series of elaborate subterranean tunnels unearthed in the Congo. Among the team were also heroes Janu (former sidekick of the now deceased Congo Bill), Dr. Light II, the Ray, Crimson Avenger, and Lady Blackhawk (constituting a new Forgotten Heroes). The expedition ended in disaster when the researchers discovered that the tunnels had been used as a burial ground by an ancient race that dated further back than even Sumerian, Indus, or Atlantean civilization. Accidentally unearthing an ancient magical curse, they unintentionally raised the hitherto dead from their resting place. Most of the science team was killed in the chaos that followed and the situation threatened to spill out onto the surface world. The Forgotten Heroes helped the survivors evacuate and Cave Carson sacrificed himself by returning to the tunnel to detonate a powerful explosive inside, reburying the deadly site he had unwittingly opened. After this the remaining Forgotten Heroes disbanded although Dr. Mid-nite remained in contact with Dr. Light II and they retained an on and off affair over the years.

The question of his remaining part of the superhero community seemingly answered for him, Dr. Mid-nite rejoined the JSA in 2009 and remained with the group until their breakup. During the intervening years, Cross followed most of his compatriots in giving up his vigilante mantle and pursuing a normal life. Around this time his relationship with Dr. Light II became more serious, although both agreed marriage and children was not something they were interested in. In 2013 Cross gained national fame as one of the head researchers on the team that developed an effective technique to prevent and reverse most forms of dangerous cancer. Cross wrote a book on the experience and toured the country, for a short time becoming a well-known advocate for avant-garde medical research, often championing causes opposed by the LDS on religious grounds.

In 2015 Dr. Mid-nite joined the reformed JSA and again took a permanent role on the team. Around the same time, he saved the life of a young teenager (Fatima Amin) seriously injured in a terrorist bombing by the Kobra Cult. Bringing her back from the brink of death through the use of nano-technology, Fatima became a staunch admirer of Mid-nite and pestered him to take her on as student so she could help prevent things like the event that injured her (and killed her family). Among her other injuries Fatima suffered severe and currently incurable eye damage, similar to Cross's own experience. Sympathetic with Fatima, although reluctant to encourage her, he agreed to train her as long as she continued to attend school. Fatima agreed. Although she has remained uninterested in the medical sciences, she retains a passion for psychology (particularly criminal psychology). She occasionally assists Dr. Mid-nite as Nite-owl.

Dr. Mid-nite currently remains a core member of the JSA, effectively juggling his time on the team between his other concerns.


Cross is a talented physician and a master of three martial arts disciplines. Although his eyesight was cured in 2010 through cloning procedures (which had since advanced to a level of competence that he no longer doubted their usage) he continues to wear his goggles. They contain a variety of special functions, not the least of which is the ability to see clearly while using his blackout bombs, a perfected form of the original Dr. Mid-nite's weapon of choice.
